1. Home Sweet Home

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"WE'RE BACK!" Nashi roared with happiness as she burst through the doors of the guild. Storm and Hunter followed closely behind with annoyed expressions on their faces.

"Flame Brain! You don't have to make dramatic entrances every time we come back." Storm growled. Nashi was going to pierce him with an insult before two bodies tackled her to the ground. It Layla and Luna.

"NASHI! WE MISSED YOU!" They both shouted.

"I missed you too." Nashi giggled hugging them back. A blonde haired boy approached the trio with an bored face. It was Luke.

"I beat Rose. You can't beat Hunter. That means I'm better than you." Luke simply stated with a smug smirk. Nashi's face paled.

"WHAT?! NO YOU DIDN'T YOU'RE LYING!" She accused pointing at Luke.

"Luke is right." Layla added, jumping in excitement.

"Him and Raiden defeated Rosey together." Luna agreed nodding her head.

Nashi frowned. "You had help, that's not allowed! So it doesn't count!" Luke butted her head with his.

"It does count, there's no actual rules!" He argued.

"Nuh- uh"




"Nuh - uh!"


"HUNTER!" A voice yelled. A red headed girl sprinted towards Hunter with record speed enveloping him in a bear hug.

"Nice to see you too, Rosey." Hunter responded with a small smile patting his sister on the head.

"How was your mission? A complete success I assume." Rose stated with confidence. It was no secret that she thought very very highly of her brother's team. They still had yet to disappoint her.

"It was. How's your fighting?" Hunter saw the immediate darkened expression his sister's face received as the question left his lips.

"I fought Rai and Luke at the same time and they bested me." Rose fell to her knees in defeat, a dark disappointing aura emanating from her. "It is the lowest point of my pitiful existence."

Hunter sweat dropped before sighing. "Learn from the loss, little sister and make sure to destroy them next time." Rose jumped to her feet and nodded with determination.

"I shall go beat up those two little twerps right now!" She cheered.


Storm sighed. It must have felt good to have little siblings to welcome you back. He felt a tap on the shoulder and saw Raiden Dreyar. The 11 year old boy looked up to Storm with a big smile.

"I miss my sister, you must miss yours too." Raiden said rubbing the back of his neck and looking away for a moment. Storm let out a solemn huff of air. He knew Ultear would come back eventually from her mission but the chance of Raiden's sister returning... it wasn't likely.

"You'll always be a little brother to me, ya know that Rai?" Storm couldn't help but smirk as the joy bloomed across the boy's face. He ruffled Raiden's snow white hair with a chuckle.

"I've always wanted a brother! Girls are just...weird." Storm noticed the boy glance particularly at Nashi's little sister, Layla.

Before he could act on his suspicions, a loud thud was heard. There laid Gale, bloody and bruised. The crimson liquid dripped from his lip, forehead and stained his clothes. He wasn't moving at all. Storm wasted no time and ran to his friend's side.


AND THAT'S WHERE I END THE THIS CHAPTER! Thank you for reading this one was short, I will make the future ones longer! BYE.

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