28. Little Demon

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"Do you know what's weird?" Storm asked out aloud as the group weaved their way through town.

"The fact you're not wearing a shirt?" Gale answered.

Storm, who was unfazed by this comment, merely shook his head. "No not that." He said. "What's weird is that we haven't seen our other selves yet. I wonder where we are."

Ultear shrugged. "Valid point." 

"Maybe we're out on a mission." Hunter proposed. 

"Yeah or maybe out on a camping trip." Nashi suggested. 

Tracking Alexis' scent, Nashi walked in the front of the group with the teddy bear held tightly in her grasp. She didn't quite know what to expect when they arrived at their destination. Growing up, Alexis was one of the few people Nashi was actually afraid of and there was a certainly good reason for that. Nashi's walking came to a halt just outside a field not far out from town. 

"She's right there." Nashi pointed to the only figure seen in that field. The figure's back was faced to the team but the scent was unmistakable. 

Not that far from them was Alexis Dreyar. 

Unfortunately, it wasn't the nice bubbly Alexis that they now were growing accustomed to. It was the psycho-demon-will actually rip your head off- Alexis. In other words, not the one they preferred. 

The blonde haired girl sat crossed legged under a big oak tree over looking the field as the sun began to descend in the sky. 

"Weird..." Gale said with a frown. "She's talking to someone." He revealed; he shared questionable looked with the rest of the team. It was clear to everyone that Alexis was very much alone. 

"Okay." Storm exclaimed rubbing his hands together. He clasped his hands onto Ultear's shoulders and faced her body to Alexis' direction. "Go get 'em, tiger." He pushed his sister forward causing her to stumble over. 

After Ultear regained her footing, she whipped back around and glared at her brother. "What the hell!?" She yelled.

Storm shrugged. "What? You're the one who needs to do the forgiving." He stated matter of factly.

"He has a point." Gale chimed in subtly. 

Hunter sighed. "You're best chance is to talk to her before she whips out her demon claws." He ran a hand through his hair in frustration; demon claws were the reason he had his infamous scar. 

Ultear swallowed before looking at the ground. In this moment, it was up to her and she wasn't too ecstatic about that.

"Uh... guys?" Nashi said scratching her head. "She... umm... Alexis isn't there anymore."

"WHAT?!" Storm, Hunter, Ultear and Gale all shouted. 

"I literally blinked and then she disappeared." Nashi yelled pointing frantically at the spot that Alexis was in only a second ago. 

Before anyone had the time to even think, a stream of dark magic shot towards Ultear. Quick to respond, Ultear narrowly dodged it jumping to the side.

"Tch... of course she'd aim for me." She muttered recognising straight away whose magic that was. Her now-angry eyes shifted from side to side searching for her culprit. 

"I didn't think you'd dodge that one, Puddle." An all too familiar voice sneered. Ultear turned to see Alexis grinning at her with her sadistic smirk plastered on her lips. A dark orb swirling with demonic magic hovered over Alexis' hand. "Maybe you aren't as useless as I thought."

"We're not here to fight." Hunter stated sternly. Alexis' eyes fell upon him and her expression went grim. She was silent for a split second narrowing her eyes as she analysed each one of the teens.

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