27. Two Years

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"How did this happen? Why the hell are we here?" Nashi asked out aloud. It was questions that was running through everyone's minds at the moment. "Why does crazy shit like this always happen to us?"

"If we travelled back in time..." Gale started, his hand holding his chin as he thought. "Then wouldn't anything we do have some sort of effect on the future? We don't want to rip a big hole in the fabric of space and time." He warned the group. "If even the smallest detail is different from our original timeline, there'll be some fucked up consequences."

Hunter nodded. "We need to be careful with everything what we do. Let's not mess up."

All eyes seemed to fall on Nashi.

"Why the hell are you all looking at me?" Nashi shouted angrily and looking pretty offended.

"Maybe because you destroy everything you touch." Storm said matter of factly as if it was obvious. Nashi was about to punch him when Ultear interrupted.

"It's nothing personal, Nashi." Ultear chuckled nervously patting her pink haired friend on the shoulder. "It's just you have the tendency to be a little more destructive than the rest of us."

"Oh whatever!" Nashi threw her arms in the air in defeat. "You guys suck! Can we just get to the guild so I can eat." She turned away looking pretty miffed.

"Can we go back to the guild?" Ultear questioned. "What if we meet ourselves? That'd be risky."

"I think what we need to figure out first is how we got here." Hunter interjected. "We want to get out of here as fast as we can."

"Isn't it obvious?" Storm said with a slight growl. "Ultear lied to the old geezer so now we're here."

"I did not lie." Ultear glared at her brother.

"Oh come on." Storm groaned. "He asked you if one can truly be evil without the chance of redemption." He said. "And you lied to his face." Storm knew his sister all too well.

"For the last time, I told him the truth." Ultear said clenching her fists by her side.

Gale seemed to catch on with what Storm was saying as his eyes widened with realisation. "Alexis..." he breathed out. "Deep down you think she can't be redeemed for what she did... you think she's pure evil, Ul." He said.

Ultear's expression faltered for a second. "S-She's doesn't count..." She stammered.

Hunter sighed. "The fact that you said that means you lied." He grunted shaking his head. "And now we're stuck here and have no idea how to get back to our time." 

"Okay, at the time I thought I was telling the truth." Ultear defended herself though it was a pretty weak defence.

"Forgiveness alludes you for you are blind." Nashi said nonchalantly with a bag of potato chips in her hand. She crunched down on some chips as everyone stared at her with confusion etched into their features.

"What did you just say, Flame Brain?" Storm questioned narrowing his eyes at her. His gaze travelled down to the chips in her grasp. "And where'd you gets those? Give me some."

"No way." Storm tried to make a grab for the bag but Nashi turned to the side dodging his attempts. "And I said..." She cleared her throat. "Forgiveness alludes you for you are blind. It was the last thing the guy said to Ultear before we disappeared. Geez didn't you guys hear?"

"Maybe that's the key to get home." Gale said.

"Shit." Hunter cursed. "I'm not sure this is right but what it sounds like to me is that to get back to our time..." He let out a long sigh before cursing some more profanity under his breath. "Ultear has to forgive Alexis."

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