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Sometimes fate manages to set things up for you. Months, weeks, days before you realize it. Fate just hits you and there's very little you can do – because it's fate. Fate always gets what it wants. It had been a full three weeks since Holly had answered Me's message and had received no reply. She didn't stress it, maybe he/she got help from someone else.

It was around lunch time. Holly sat at her usual table surrounded by her favorite people. "Are you going to Jackson's party tonight?" Leanne asked the group, earning a collection of yes's and grins. Jackson threw the best parties.

"I heard he invited some guys from Stonebridge. They're all so hot." Sophia grinned, her fingers playing with the ends of her hair in that cute sheepish way she did. Alex, her boyfriend, glared down at her, wrapping his arm securely around her waist.

"Why does that matter to you?" He grumbled down to her. The two quickly engaging in one of their many arguments that resulted in either a slap or a make out session. Very discreetly, Holly rolled her eyes.

"Do you girls want to go shopping after we get out? I want to find a new dress." Holly spoke between bites of her salad. Leanne was quick to agree, going on about how she wanted to look so good in order to catch the attention of the Stonebridge guys. Holly was able to tune her out after a few minutes of talking, bringing her attention back to her meal. Tonight was going to be fun.

Hours of classes passed before the three girls were piling into Holly's car, heading towards the mall. Leanne sat in the passenger's seat, Sophia in the back with Joy and Lynn, who had decided on tagging along just as they were getting in the car.

The mall was only a few miles from the school, so Holly was parking within minutes. Loud chatter left the girls as they walked up towards the double doors, entering Sephora all at once without even having discussed it.

"I need a new blush palette." Joy thought allowed, walking through the store with her eyes on the shelves.

After a little while of makeup shopping, the girls were heading into a boutique just across from Sephora. "I need this dress!" Holly rushed into the store, arms out as she made contact with the spaghetti strapped dress.

She was quick to pull her size from the rack. The dress was a tight fitting blush pink that flowed slightly at the bottom. Darker pink roses were scattered around the dress, green leaves around them. There was a v neckline that stopped just above her cleavage. The dress was so her.

"Ooh, I love that." Sophia marveled as she came up to her friend. "You could wear that with those nudes heels you got a few weeks ago." Holly grinned as she nodded her head. "I've got to go try this on." Holly moved towards the fitting room, quickly getting into a cubicle to slip the outfit on.

She stared at her reflection, her grin only growing wider. This was it.

After Holly paid for her dress she was able to fully concentrate on helping the girls find their own. When they were heading back towards the car, each had a bags from various stores and dresses for tonight.

Sophia had picked a dark red halter body dress that did wonders for her curves. Joy went with a black romper with a v-line that stopped just above her belly button, the sleeves lace. Lynn had chosen a simple blue short sleeve t-shirt dress and Leanne bought a short long sleeved white lace dress. Now all they had to do was get ready.

"I'm definitely getting sleeping with Jackson tonight." Leanne declared as she brushed her fingers through her pin straight hair, staring at her reflection.

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