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Holly's breath was caught in her throat. She couldn't stop reading and rereading the message that stared back at her. Justin was Me. He had written this anonymous blog gushing about Holly. This was insane. She should have never kissed him.

Managing to pull herself together long enough to hit private reply Holly began typing:

"Dear Me:

            That's so great! Remember: Anything is possible with a willing heart and all things are difficult before they are easy."

Holly hit send feeling ashamed of herself. Breaking her one rule of never being vague and sounding like a fortune cookie. It was hard, though. She had no idea what to say to someone that just revealed their feelings for her without knowing they were talking to her.

Not only that but now she knew things about him. About his parents that he probably was never planning on telling her. They kissed, that didn't mean they were all of a sudden best friends sharing each other's secrets.

A loud groan left her lips as she ran her hands over her face, shaking her head from side to side. Why did she even have to start this blog in the first place? Another groan left her lips, then another. The sound of her phone dinging stopped her from letting out another one.


We didn't fuck, but we kissed and it was amazing.

He is so hot, Holl... you don't even understand.

We're all going to the movies, though. Alex wants to see

Kidnap and is dragging Sophia along but she didn't want

to go alone so I said we'd join her and it turned into a group thing.

Holly almost typed back what she meant by a group thing exactly. She was fine hanging out with the girls and Alex was cool too, Asher was fine and of course, Kaden was too but if she was talking the extended Stonebridge group – no thank you.

Fingers crossed for the best, Holly typed back her reply before shutting down her computer and moving on to get ready. Dressed in a large black long sleeve shirt and a pair of black leggings, Holly pulled her ADIDAS sneakers on her feet then tied half her hair up in a knot bun.


I'm on my way to your house.

Holly read the words just as she was reaching for her keys. A little happy that she wouldn't have to drive today, she plopped down on her couch to wait.

"Where are you heading?" Her mother, Mel, came into the living room moments later taking in her daughters attire. A small smile curled onto her lips as she got herself comfortable on the seat across from her.

"Movies. That's alright, right?" Holly so used to her mom being okay with everything she often forgot to ask permission for things.

"Yeah, that's fine. Who are you going with?"

Holly played with the blush pink pillow in her hand, shrugging shoulder slightly. "Probably the girls, Kaden and his friends."

"How are you and Kaden?" That question was enough to awaken all the guilt from last night that Holly had spent so much time burying. She plastered a smile on her lips though.

"We're good."

"Uh oh. What happened?" Holly thought she actually sounded convincing. Her eyes flickered to the wall of sticky quotes. Mel had taken it upon herself to decorate the living room with Audrey Hepburn in mind. The décor held a color scheme of soft pinks, blacks, grays, and whites. On the wall across the from the couch was a large poster of Audrey and multiple quotes were scattered around.

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