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Hi guys, I'm starting a new story and I would love your feedback and support! Thank you to everyone!! 

The day started out like any other. It was hot and the sun beat down hard against my back as I walked across campus toward my last final. The semester was finally over; in two hours I'd be on the road home. My car was packed and I'd said the last of my goodbyes a couple of days ago when the rest of my friends had fled for home.

The campus was almost deserted, only a few students lingered. My final was scheduled for the last available time slot, which was far from ideal. I should have been home by now, cuddling with my cats, preparing for a summer of equal parts work and play. Yet, here I was, still stranded on a lonely campus.

I pushed open the heavy door of the lecture hall with all the pent-up fury in my system. I hadn't seen anyone on the other side, so when suddenly a voice yelped out in pain, I was shocked.

"Oh god! I'm so sorry, oh my god, I didn't mean to!" I blubbered along helplessly.

The man I'd hit looked up at me slowly, his hand holding the side of his face I'd hit so bluntly. When his eyes met mine, he examined me carefully, not with contempt, but with something quite the opposite.

"It's you," he breathed, astounded.

"Who?" I questioned. "Who is me?" I gaped openly at him, wondering why he wasn't cursing me out for putting such a large bruise on his face.

"I've been searching every corner of the world for you," he said, breathless. "I cannot believe I have finally found you, here of all places."

Completely oblivious to whatever epiphany this strange man was having over my appearance, I awkwardly stepped back.

"I hope you're okay! I need to go now, I have a final," I said, stumbling over my words. I tried to step past him, but he blocked my path.

"I've just found you and you think I'm going to let you out of my sight that quickly?" he whispered roughly.

"Wh-what?" I asked.

He stared at me closely, perhaps realizing he'd grandly overstepped his boundaries with a woman he'd just met. He looked like he wanted to say something else, but I took the opportunity to graze past him quickly, and begin my race to the lecture hall where the final was held.

"I'm sorry again!" I called as I rounded the bend toward the classroom.

He gazed back at me with a look of utter shock, lifting his arm toward me as if to reach out and grab the back of my shirt, but he remained still. The hurt in his eyes was obvious as I watched him disappear.

My final ended quickly and I ran at top speed out to my car, packed and ready to go. My encounter with the strange man earlier still had me on edge, and as I pulled out of the parking space, I glanced around frantically. There was no sign of him and I let my tension ease as I merged onto the highway. I was homeward bound and nothing could stop a smile from spreading across my face. 

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