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Princesspeach: just forget that story!

Princesspeach: forget everything I said!!!

Princesspeach: you know what?

Princesspeach: do me a favor and forget me

Brained101: no

Brained101: oh no

Brained101: no no no 

Brained101: NO!

Brained101: don't you dare to say that

Brained101: I could never forget you

Brained101: I would never dare to forget you

Brained101: you changed my life so much

Brained101: you're such  a big part of it

Brained101: you're the biggest part of it!

Brained101: hyung I will never do what you're asking

Princesspeach: then what kind of friend are you?

Brained101: hyung... hyung... duh

Brained101: does that mean anything to you

Princesspeach: should it?

Brained101: oh hyung... duh

Brained101: duh

Brained101: I'm sorry hyung

Brained101: duh

Brained101: hyung I need you

Brained101: duh

Brained101: please

Brained101: please don't leave

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