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Princesspeach: stop it

Brained101: promise you won't leave!

Princesspeach: why would I?

Brained101: please

Brained101: I beg you

Brained101: I need you

Brained101: I'm sorry for all

Brained101: I'll do anything

Brained101: just please don't leave me

Brained101: you keep me sane

Brained101: duh

Princesspeach: you said it

Brained101: what

Princesspeach: you want to keep me around for your sanity

Brained101: hyung that's not what I meant, I need YOU

Brained101: for reals

Princesspeach: who are you trying to fool

Princesspeach: you don't need me

Princesspeach: you just need your madness to be kept away

Brained101: but hyung you don't keep my madness away

Brained101: in fact... you make it stronger

Brained101: I'm mad for you

Princesspeach: I'm angry with you too, such a friend

Princesspeach: you know what you could have told me earlier that you're mad at me

Princesspeach: would have saved us both a lot of time

Princesspeach: or a lot of nerves for me

Princesspeach: cause I thought you forgave me for leaving

Princesspeach: but it seems you just kept the grunge

Princesspeach: and to think I still had hope

Brained101: that's not what I meant

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