Chapter Five

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Recap: as soon as Johnny opened the door....

Your pov

   The guys see me and yell "Y/N!" They run over and start a group hug. After the hug we all take a picture and they add me on social media. Then Cameron speaks "you said you wouldn't scream if you got waxed, ready for the challenge?" He asks. "Oh yeah, I'm ready!" I say putting my bag down and slipping off my shoes.

    They get the wax ready while I try to find a place they can wax, I finally time a place I missed. "I found a place, but are you sure you know how to do it?" "Uh, yeah I guess we do..." said Blake. I lid down on the bed and lifted my shorts a little so they could wax me. "Ok, you ready?" Asks Johnny. "Yeah" you reply, Cameron then rips it off and you stay still and silent, it kinda hurt cause they didn't do it right. You got up and looked at the boys. Hunter said "h-how did you do that?" While looking impressed. "If you were a girl you would be used to it." I say laughing "ok then" says Aaron.

   "What do you guys wanna do?" I say looking at them. ", "wanna play truth or dare?" Says Brandon. "Yeah!" We all say. We then sit in a circle and start playing.

A/N: when you are talking in truth or dare it's in bold

    "Ok, Y/N truth or dare?" Says


"Have you ever had a crush on anyone in this room?" He asks

"Yeah, Brandon, truth or dare?"


"Wrong choice my bud, wrong choice, so I dare you to run down the hallway in only your boxers screaming "my dog ate my pants!"

He sighs and says "ok then"

He gets ready while we all get our phones ready to record. He then does it, we all record him while laughing. He then sprints to the door laughing saying "I'm gonna get you back!"

  We continue the game until I had to go home. "See you guys tomorrow!" I saying hugging them. "See you Y/N!" I go home, excited for tomorrow!!

366 Words!

Hey! I've started my exams and I'll be done Friday! So I'll be updating more! Remember to comment and vote, ily guys! 💙

- Emily🖤

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