Chapter Six

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Your pov

Today to Magcon!! I'm so excited! I get up out of bed and eat my breakfast, I have scrambled eggs, bacon and toast with apple juice, it was delicious! I then took a shower. When I got out I dried my hair and put it in a fishtale braid. I got dressed in (pic in media) and I put on natural makeup with a red lip. I hauled on a converse and when out to the car.

Skip to at venue

At the venue I said goodbye to my mom and met up with my friends, Ally and Melissa. We then get in the VIP line.

Skip to being in front of line

We are now in the front of the VIP line and I'm happy I'll get to see the boys again. The order I'll be seeing them is; Blake, Hunter, Brandon, Jacob, Johnny, Aaron, Taylor and Cameron! First, I go up to Blake and we take a few pictures, by then I have to go.

Next, I go to Hunter, we do the same things I did with Blake.

Then, its Brandon, do our handshake and take a few pictures.

Following Brandon is Jacob. We hug, make a musically and take a few pictures.

It wasn't long before I got to my favourite person, JOHNNY! We hug, do our little handshake, make a musically and take some pictures with cute poses.

Next is Aaron, we hug and take some pictures.

Then Is Taylor, we hug and take pictures.

Finally Cameron, we hug and we take a picture with me on his back.

Skip to show time

The crowd cheered as the lights dimmed, the show was about to start. The music began to play and the boys ran on stage with bottles of water, pouring them on the crowd, a wild show was ahead

Skip to after show
(A big skip, I know, but I wasn't writing about the whole concert, sorry)

When I got home I posted my pictures, brushed my hair, took off my makeup and changed into my pjs. When I was in bed I messaged the groupchat.

Magcon Groupchat🔥

You- great show, goodnight guys! ❤

I then turned off my phone and went to sleep.

372 words

Sorry about the long wait, trying to update more frequently, but with 3 different books, and a Facts book, it's hard. Remember to show your support by voting. Love you guys!

- Emily💙

 That Magcon Groupchat (2016 Magcon)Where stories live. Discover now