At the gathering

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Dave and I pulled up to the church and walked inside. "What does rita look like?" Dave says joking. I slapped his arm. "Shut up. You've seen her." I said quite annoyed. "I was joking mate. Chill." Dave hit me back. Just then I see Rita walking by me. "Hello, Ty Ty." She said as she kissed me. "Hi, Ri Ri. Are you excited for today?" I said taking her hands in mine. "I'm super excited, honey. You're the best fiancé ever." She said squeezing my hands. "You are too, gorgeous." I smiled. I walked down the aisle. I give the signal for her to walk down. Just then all heads turned as rita walked toward me. Here Comes the Bride played. When rita got to me I removed the veil and put it behind her head. The priest grabbed the book and began to read. Around 5 minutes later we were ready to say "I do" and Rita looked super excited. "Do you Rita Angel Flurry take Tyler Patrick Connolly to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He says. "I do." Rita said smiling. "And do you Tyler Patrick Connolly take Rita Angel Flurry to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He says. "I do." I say. "You may now kiss the bride." He says. Rita and I kiss and head up to the reception.

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