A Month Later

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Rita and I have been distancing ourselves more and more. When I asked her what was wrong she said it was nothing and that worried me. She locked herself away in our room every day. I've tried getting her to come out but she never has. I would always bring up her dinner and then hear sobs. I began to wonder again. She must've heard me through the door because she slipped a note through. It read:
Hey Tyler,
Over the past few months I slipped into a strong state of depression. It's hit me harder this time around since we almost divorced a year ago. I'm sorry for shutting myself away. I need your help and I want to be a good wife.
Tears fell from my eyes. I couldn't believe this. Rita opened the door to see me and i swept her off her feet wiping her tears away. "Baby girl you don't need to hide from me." I said in a soft hushed whisper and kissed her cheek. Rita nodded. I took her downstairs and started braiding her hair. I sang her favorite songs to her to make her happy. I saw her smile a little and I smiled too. "I love you, my beautiful queen." I said softly. "I love you more, my lovely king." She smiled. We cuddled for the rest of the night talking and laughing.

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