Chapter 3

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(I couldn't find glasses on my polyvore,you are wearing fake glasses so no one can see your eyes and forgot to mention you have long hair)

I put on my clothes and got my all things together.I went to the living where Appa was watching TV."Appa,I'll be going now"I said trying not to stutter."Okay"Appa said hugging me."Be safe please"Appa said while smile giving me the eyes.Appa says this to me since he never seen go out as much since I usually study on the weekends to get good grades.He's worried because of this.I went to kitchen were Eomma was washing the dishes."You're going out now right?Have fun okay don't worry about Sohye too much okay Its going to fine,be safe okay?"Mom said.
"I-I'm only j-just g-going out once p-please don't be too worried about me"I said mumbling quitely .

"Please don't say that,you should go out more,socialize,your still young,look at me i look like a fat potato,You're still young and pure!Be lucky you're still young I look like Misses Potato Head"Eomma said.I laughed a bit at how she said it.She wasn't ugly but she was a bit chubby and that was cute.It was just hilarious how her facial expressions were.

"Its good to hear you laugh its been a while"Eomma said sighing with a smile.I'm trying to speak so I wouldn't be such a burden but its hard,it feels awkward."Don't be out too late and call when there's an emergency or something"Eomma said."O-Okay"I stuttered.Eomma hugged me and hugged her back."I love you so much so please stay safe"Eomma said.

"I love you Eomma",I said quietly.

I didn't know we were being watched.

Time Skip

Y/N was in the back seat of the car while Jieun and Minyoung was in the front.Jieun was the driver.Sohye came in the car backseat and slam the door.She wore a revealing outfit.

(A/N: mean who wears that to a concert?!)

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(A/N: mean who wears that to a concert?!)

"Are you going to the concert dressed like that?"Jieun said in disgust.

"Yeah,Why?I look way better than you"Sohye said.

"Bish none of the members are going to want to see you looking like a slut"Jieun said.

"Fck you all of them would like a girl with such nice body"Sohye said.

"Says the bich with flat ass and zero tits"Minyoung said.

"Mmmh Jimin would totally fck me when he sees me"Sohye said.

"More like move back to Busan away from you "Minyoung said.

"Besides he would rather kiss Jhorse ass than see your existence"Jieun said.

"Bultaoreune" Someone mumbled.

As soon as they arrived Sohye disappeared.

Time Skip for being lazy

At the concert it was loud and exciting.International Armies we're here but mostly they're were Korean Armies.The song BTS was singing Boy In Luv.In the confessing part of the song Jimin notice Y/N so he went closer to crowd.He gaze at you in the eyes making complete eye contact.

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