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Cassidy woke back up and saw Logan looking out the window. She got to her feet and walked over to him. "Logan, you should get some sleep. It'll help you clear your mind." Logan turned around and stared into Cassidy's eyes. Cassidy, who am I?" Logan asked. Cassidy didn't want to ruin anything for Logan because she feared that he'll get upset with her. "Logan, when we were kids, we would have this saying and that saying was "forever and always no matter what" and we would say that all the time. We were boyfriend and girlfriend back then and we would do the stupidest shit when we hangout together." Cassidy explained to him. "So you loved me back then?" Asked Logan. "Yes, I loved you and I still love you now. I....I want to be your girlfriend again." Cassidy said. Logan looked down at her, for the first time in so long, Logan has found someone who loves him. Logan nodded his head at Cassidy. Cassidy's face lit up with joy, she wrapped her arms around his waist again and held him tight. Logan did the same thing to her. After a long minute, she released him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. For the first in decades, Logan actually smiled. Logan felt much better now, his anxiety was gone, he felt even more alive, and his mind was less negative. Logan still didn't sleep the whole trip there but the others were fast asleep. "This is it, Logan. We now have something to fight for." Logan told himself. That evening, they finally reached their destination. "Wake up, people it's show time!" The pilot yelled. Everyone, but Logan, got up and prepared to go down. "Best of you luck to you guys." The pilot said. Each of them took turns in climbing down a ladder. The helicopters didn't drop them off right at the entrance of the laboratory, instead in dropped them off a few miles away from it so they would have the element of surprise. They were dropped off in the middle of a forest, that was a few miles from the laboratory. Before they moved on, everyone met up and talked about their plan of attack. "Alright listen up: we want to be in and out as quick as possible. So our plan: Logan, Cassidy, Shaun, and Laura your with me. We're gonna try to sneak in at the main gate. The rest of you will split off into teams and attack the other sides of the laboratory. Once your in, kill any enemies and regroup at the central hub. That clear?" Everyone nodded there heads and the mission had officially begun.

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