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Logan and Shaun moved a few meters to the left and went behind a tree to name sure they got a clear sight of Laura. Laura walked out of the bushes and right up to the two guards, with no fear in her eyes. "I'm lost, I can't find my mom or dad, can you two help please help find them?" Laura asked the guards. The two guards looked at each other and back at Laura. "Little girl, this is a CIA occupied island, how did you get onto this island?"
"I swam her, I thought my mother or father was here. Please, I need your help." Laura said to the guards. "Await my command." Wade said over the radio to Shaun and Logan. "Little girl, you are being taken in for trespassing, your gonna have to come with us!" One of the guards said, pulling out handcuffs. Once Laura saw the handcuffs, she snapped. She jumped up and grabbed one of the guards by the face and started scratching it. The other guard tried getting her off of his face but Laura was to quick, she turned around and pulled a small pocket knife from her pocket and stand the other guard in the shoulder. Both guards were down and Laura was relentless: she took the knife from the guy's shoulder and placed it in his head. After that, she grabbed the gun from his pocket and bashed it against the remaining guard's head, killing him in just three hits. The sentry was now aimed at Laura but before it could shoot at her, Shaun shot, his silenced rifle, at the sentry, disabling it. Logan was stunned, he had never seen such brutality in a ten year old girl. Everyone went right up to Laura to check on her. "Are you hurt?" Wade asked. Laura shook her head. Logan was amazed by her brute strength, now he knew why Cassidy said she's like him. "Strike team, the main gate is ours, we're going in. Over." Wade said over the comms. "Roger that. Strike team." They forced the main gate door opened and made their way inside the laboratory. "Damn, this place is huge. How are we supposed to find Logan's memories in this fucking maze?!" Shaun asked. "Our intelligence said that Logan's memories are in the central hub, inside some sort of flash drive hooked up to a super computer." Explained Wade. "A super computer? You know those things are like impossible to hack or to get files right?" Shaun said. "I'm aware of that but we promised we would get Logan's memories back and that's actually what we're gonna do." Wade said. Shaun didn't say anything after wade's comment.

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