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Logan was able to get the rifle out of Victor's hand. But Victor was much stronger then Logan, Victor threw Logan to the ground and kicked him in the gut. "You should've stayed home and drank your beer, Logan." Victor taunted Logan. Victor grabbed Logan by the throat and picked him up off the ground and punched him in the gut a few times, causing Logan to cough up blood. "That.....that all you got, Victor?" Logan said. Victor smiled a little and threw Logan against a tree. "Haha, look at you: your weak, your no match for me, Logan and you know that. It's time to end this!" Victor pulled out metal blades and drove them into Logan's shoulder. And then, he picked up a large, sharp branch and impaled him through the gut. "Just think Logan, this horrible life will all be over soon and you won't need to worry because once your gone, I'll go for your family next." Logan tried removing the branch from his gut but he couldn't. "You know I am giving you the very death you've dreamt off! Goodbye, Logan." Just as Victor was about to finish off Logan, Laura jumped onto to victor's back and began scratching at his face. "Ugh, you stupid little girl!" Victor shouted, as he tried getting Laura off of him. Laura was able to Victor off his feet and when he was on the ground, Laura grabbed Logan's butcher knife and started bashing it into Victors head. Laura didn't stop for a second, she kept bashing him and bashing him until all of his blood was gone. "Laura!" Shouted Shaun, as he tried to get her off of Victor. "Don't you.....ever fucking touch my father again!" Scream Laura, still trying to get one more hit into Victor. Shaun was able to get Laura off of Victor. "Logan!" Screamed Laura and Cassidy. Both of them ran over to Logan to check on him. They were able to remove the metal knives and the branch from his gut. "Logan, talk to me, are you okay?" Asked Cassidy. "Can't....move....get....out of here." Logan said. "Wade! Logan needs medical attention immediately!" Shouted Cassidy. Wade and the other soldiers ran over to Logan, who was lying in a puddle of his own blood. "This is alpha team to base come in!"
"Alpha team! Thank god, what happened?"
No time, irons, we need a medical transport, Logan's been right now!" Wade said. "Good god, is he alright?" he's not." Wade said.

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