Chapter 3

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Parker's POV

So how was meeting the Savannah State star point guard yesterday?" Peyton asked, wiggling her eyebrows at me. I shrugged and placed my laptop down onto the floor, pulling my grey blanket up over my shoulders. "He's an ass actually." I commented and flipped through the list of series on Netflix.

"He has a nice ass." She giggled and pointed to the bottom of the list, "Grey's!" She yelled and did a little happy dance in her spot. I burst out laughing, "You're a dork , but sure. On one condition." I grumbled, holding my index finger up towards her. She winked st me and wiggled deeper into her blanket. "No more Adam talk." I demanded and clicked on the episode we were on before she could agree. "I'm serious." I mumbled as Meredith's voice started.

A few minutes into the episode, I felt her gaze on me. I slowly turned my head towards her, my eyebrows raised in question. "I know you said no Adam talk..." She slowly started, her face giving away the fact that, that's all she wanted to be talking about right now.

I paused the episode and turned to face her fully, propping my right leg onto the couch and placing my chin on top of my knee. "I should have known," I laughed. "Go ahead."

She grinned but took a few seconds to think about what she wanted to say or ask. "We all know he's a bit of a douche nozzle," I scoffed, implying I thought that was an understandment, "but what happened at the meeting?" She questioned, raising her eyebrow as she got comfortable on the couch, facing me.

"He came in looking all 'deer in the headlights' and asked how the mentor programs work. I explained to him that it was pretty much whatever he wanted it to be, since his grades aren't failing worthy," I started, thinking about how he looked all confused up until he realized that he could walk out at any point in time. "So he asked if he could just show up, tell me he was doing fine and then leave," I explained, animatedly moving my hands around.

"And what did you say? That must have pissed you off quite a bit." She commented, biting her thumb nail as I gave her an annoyed look. "Obviously, so I said to him if that's what he wants. I was nice though, and then I stood up and left." I finished, pulling both my feet onto the couch, sitting criss-cross.

"Just remember, that no matter how much he pisses you off, you are his peer mentor and you have to at least be civil towards him at all times." A small smile crept onto her face.

"I can't be civil towards Adam Davis! He's a jackass!" I groaned, palming my forehead.

"I don't know, P. Scott. I have a feeling you an Adam Davis are going to be way more than just mentor-mentee by the end of summer." She grinned, wiggling her eyebrows. "Shut up." I groaned again and threw my pillow at her.

"Okay, okay." She laughed, "Back to Grey's."

Just as the episode we about to finish, both of our phones buzzed. I chose to ignore mine, and glued my eyes back onto the screen where the plane was still in pieces. "So... this isn't about Adam." She softly said, poking my side.

"Fine," I grumbled and paused the episode. "What?"

"There's this party at the jock frat. We got invited by Jake..." She started, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

I'm not much of a party person, but Peyton is and someone had to get her back to the dorm in one piece. "Fine, but it better be worth it." I sighed and rolled my eyes. Peyton squealed and tugged on my arm until we were standing in front of my closet. She snatched a few dresses out and pushed a black one into my arms.

"Uh, no." I declined and threw it at her. "Don't be such a butt munch." She whined and threw it back at me. I had already agreed to go with her, so I could just as well force myself into this ridiculous whorefit and go.

I shrugged into the dress, which was strapless, and ended just below my butt. It was tight fitting and hugged all the right curves. She threw a pair of silver stilettos at me and I pulled them on. Perfect fit. There's a first time for everything. I went over to the mirror and curled my hair with my curling wand. I then smacked in some eyeliner, eyeshadow and mascara, rounding the look off with a lip gloss.

Satisfied, I faced her, "How do I look?" I grinned, doing a little spin for her. She smiled, "Oooh. You look hot, P. Scott."

I burst out laughing at both her rhyming and the nickname.

I grabbed my phone and stuck it in my bra and walked out of the room, Peyton close behind.


As Peyton and I entered the boy's fraternity, I was handed a can of beer instantly. "Parker!" Someone yelled, I smiled in the general direction of where the voice came from and followed Peyton to the makeshift dance floor. My eyes scanning the crowd for no one in particular, while moving my body to the rythm of the music.

I froze when my eyes locked with none other than Adam Davis.

His eyes bore into mine, and I could tell I was blushing. His lips tugged into a small smile, but he soon replaced it with a cocky look that was all so popular with the entire basketball team.

"Parker M Scott!" I heard, whipping around to see the smiling face of Jake. His green eyes boring into mine as he leaned down to give me a hug. Jake was tall, standing at about 5'8" with his dirty blond hair falling onto his forehead in a cute way.

He pulled away as someone said something to him, giving me time to study him and his features. He really was so darn cute.

Jake was wearing light wash jeans and black Vans, his Ravens hoodie keeping him warm. '"I'll come look for you." He smiled, sporting a dimple on his left cheek, then left. I knew his jersey number by heart. Number 14. Shooting guard for the Savannah Ravens and my best friend since I started here.


"You look good, Parks. Anybody hit on you yet?" Jake smiled, when he came back, handing me a beer. He was drunk off his ass by now, slurring his words. I laughed and shook my head.

Jake leaned down to whisper something in my ear, but stopped short, staring at something behind me.

"Jakey?" I asked, hesitating before turning around to see why Jake had suddenly frozen. "I'll see ya, Parks." He muttered, as he left.

I finally turned around, coming face to chest with Adam Davis, his hands in his pockets, his signature smirk playing on his lips.

"Scott." He grinned.

So I've entered Saving Adam Davis into the #wattys17!  Yay! Can I ask you all to please vote and share? That would mean the world to me!

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So I've entered Saving Adam Davis into the #wattys17! Yay! Can I ask you all to please vote and share? That would mean the world to me!

Teaser: Adam has another meeting with Parker.

Update: Saturday, June 18th.

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