Chapter 14

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Adam's P.O.V

*I yanked my phone from my back pocket and pulled up a contact I hardly ever texted. My fingers hovered over the keypad as I contemplated what exactly to say, or how to start the conversation. It was hard enough thinking about the problem at hand, but to discuss it with someone? That just made it seem all the more real.

I started typing the message, not giving myself any time to reconsider. I knew this had to be done.

I pulled my yeezys on as I grabbed my house key

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I pulled my yeezys on as I grabbed my house key. I pushed my phone and keys into my back pocket and grabbed my wallet as I headed out of my bedroom and downstairs.

I took my time walking to Starbucks as I tried to clear my mind and relax before I got there.

I stepped in and immediately spotted the blond at the back. I stomped over towards her, not bothering to order anything. I just wanted some answers and to get this over with. I wanted to fix it as soon as possible.

"Alright Adam, what's wrong with Parker?" Peyton question as I sat down. She was just as worried, not that I mentioned why we were here, but that's how I knew who to go to with this situation. Peyton loved Parker almost as much as I do even though she argues and says she loves her more.

"Do you remember a few months ago when the guy almost drove into us on the interstate?" I asked, placing my hands on the table. Peyton nodded and I continued, "Well that's when she told me about her anxiety. She had an anxiety attack and she had no choice but to tell me." I mumbled, still hurt by the fact that Parker hadn't told me before that day. "And lately she's been on edge and really anxious and last night when she was at my place, she kept moving her food around in her plate, not eating. But it's not the first time I've noticed that." I finished as Peyton took in what I was saying, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Her anxiety is getting worse, isn't it?" I questioned, feeling my heart sink at Peyton's expression.


I smiled tentatively at Parker as she came into my room walking towards me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her onto the bed next to me. Thinking better of it, I pulled her into my lap and placed a kiss on her cheek, making her giggle.

"What's with all the love?" she grinned, wrapping her arms around my neck, leaning into my chest, laying her head on my shoulder.

My smile faltered as I thought about the talk I needed to have with her, the whole reason I asked her to come over.

"Baby, we need to talk." I began, her face immediately contorting into a face of confusion. I shifted her slightly so I could look at her face properly, needing to make eye contact so she would understand me better, so I could get my point across without causing a misunderstanding.

"I noticed you hardly eat lately, you push your food around in your plate." I started, rubbing circles on her back for comfort, like she always does with me. She opened her mouth to say something but I quickly continued, "You've also been really on edge and anxious a lot." I finished. "So what's up?"

She slipped off from my lap, sitting down next to me. Tears evident in her eyes, her bottom lip trembling, "I don't know..." she sobbed, wiping tears from her eyes furiously.

I leaned down to kiss her cheek, taking a deep breath before adding the next part. "Maybe you should go see someone? I'll go with if you want. Maybe it'll help you." I smiled, placing my hand on her leg, tracing patterns on her upper thigh.

"I'm not crazy, Adam! I don't need to go see someone!" she yelled, tears streaming down the sides of her face. I jumped back slightly, shocked at how my statement caused such a reaction. I tried my best to stay calm, to breathe through the anger of her outburst, but I failed, "I never said you were crazy, Parker! I simply asked you to go see someone about your anxiety, someone who can help you manage it!" I spat, regretting it moments later as she coiled away.

Her hands started shaking, tears now streaming down her face steadily as her breath started to pick up. She blinked a couple of times, forcing her breath to slow down, wiping tears from her eyes slowly. I suddenly realized what was happening, and wrapped my arms around her, tucking her into my side and placing her head on my shoulder as I rocked back and forth slowly.

"Breathe baby. It's going to be okay. Just breathe." I whispered. A couple of minutes later, her breath slowed down, becoming more even with every second. I rocked back and forth a couple of minutes more before finally speaking again. "I'll go with you."

She chocked back a sob, fear in her eyes. She forced a small smile, but nodded anyway, agreeing to go see someone about her anxiety, before closing her eyes and falling asleep to the rocking and soft whispers of my voice.

 She forced a small smile, but nodded anyway, agreeing to go see someone about her anxiety, before closing her eyes and falling asleep to the rocking and soft whispers of my voice

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So excited to finally be able to tell you that I have finished writing Saving Adam Davis and it will be published today!

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