Whats Wrong Kassidy?

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Kassidy was early to school, she got there before anyone. Nobody knew why though, her only answer was to learn.

She sat at the back of the class her hood up and looking down, the bell went and everyone went into there classes. First was English and she and Rylee had the same lesson together.

When the girl who now snuck off after school arrived, she sat at the back next to her friend.

"Hi Kassidy." She whispered as the class started.

Said girl grunted in response. She wasn't looking up, she pulled her hat down and glared at the floor.

Her black sleeves where rolled up to her elbows, revealing all the bracelets and the jacket was open reaching her colourful shirt.

Rylee had seen and stared, "your wearing colourful clothes again."

Kassidy only shrugged in response.

"Kassidy would you like to quote the story we're doing." Asked Mrs Phelps, glaring at the teenage girl in frustration.

The girl in black sighed and looked down, she hates being called on, today the most, she answered non the less, knowing her teacher thought she hadn't been listening.

"Come, gentle night; come, loving, black-browed night;
Give me my Romeo; and, when I shall die,
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night..." Kassidy said, her voice soft and horse and sore. Her throat dry. "William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet." She said, in a raspy voice.

Everyone was staring at her, from such words she said, including Rylee, shocked by her friends reading and capability to know things.

"Very beautiful Kassidy, however, we are not there in the book." The teachers voice said sternly, "and for gods sake," she continued, "have some water!"

Kassidy finally looked up and Rylee saw that her face was covered in foundation and concealer, not just her face, but her neck as well.

"Do you have any water?" She asked in a raspy voice.

Rylee slowly reached into her bag and pulled out a bottle giving it to her friend, as she stared at the heavily applied make up.

Kassidy gulped in down and as she did Rylee saw marks on her friends wrists.

"What's those marks?" She asked.

"I had a run in with the Purple Dragons." She said, giving her the bottle back.

Rylee didn't push it and instead got on with the lesson.

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