Year three. Meeting Apple. Eating apples.

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Once again Draco Malfoy's summer was plagued by apples. They appeared everywhere. To take his mind off of them he asked for a sketch pad. However all he drew were apples.
"Mother, please don't ask to see my drawings again." He told her for the millionth time. He thought again about last year. Draco thought about how he almost snuck out, risked EXPULSION even, for the sake of an apple.

"Ok Draco. This year I WILL have one."

________Time Skip__________

At the beginning of the year feast Draco reached for an apple. Placing it gently into his robe pocket he continued eating, as if nothing had happened.

________Time Skip__________

Late that night Draco was alone in the common room. He pulled out the apple.

"Hello beautiful," he muttered.

"I would have to say the same to you." Replied the apple.

"Ahhhhh!" Draco screamed like a little girl, dropped the apple,  and pulled his feet up into the chair, burying his face in his knees.

"What's the matter handsome?  Never met a talking apple before?" The apple had a face and an attitude. 

"N-no." He stammered.

"Oh. Sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you." Draco relaxed slightly.

They talked for hours on end, nearly all night. Draco tucked Apple into his robe pocket.

"G'night love." He said absent mindedly. Apple blushed, but Draco didn't notice. 

________Time Skip__________

The first change in his life was how he now ate a green apple with every meal.

Then after the year was over Draco realized that he had feelings for Apple.  He just didn't know how to deal with them. He wanted to ask Crabbe and Goyle, but they were too stupid. He wanted to ask Pansy, but she would be too jealous. No one could help him but Apple.

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Waz up readers. Hope you liked it. I'm really sorry about all the time skips.

      Thanks for reading,

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