Year five. Meeting the Malfoys.

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It was Christmas break but Draco Malfoy was feeling far from cheerful. Over three summer his parents had noticed him acting differently then normal. 

____Time Skip back in time___
"So, Draco. You got a girlfriend?  Is that why you're acting weird?" Asked Lucius.

"Er...," Draco blushed.

"It's fine dear.  Just if you do we'd like to meet her." Said Narcissa.

"She is of pure blood right." Lucius asked raising one eyebrow.

"Yes dad. Well, no dad. It's just that-"

"WHAT!" Lucius yelled. After several minutes Narcissa managed to calm him down.

"Well dad she doesn't have any blood. She's er... a fruit." Draco hung his head in shame. He told his parents all about Apple.

"She sounds lovely. Bring her over Christmas.

________Time Skip__________

Draco and Apple sat side by side at the Malfoy's dinner table. After an awkward silence Apple speaks up. 

"So Mrs. Malfoy, how are you?  I've heard so much about you." Narcissa smiled.

"Please dear, call me Narcissa. And I'm doing well thank you." After that they talked for a bit longer.

"Excuse me Apple. You should probably get to bed.  Your room is on the second floor."

________Time Skip__________

At the end of Christmas break Lucius finally accepted Apple. Narcissa told her that she was welcome when ever she wanted. And Draco had never been more pleased.

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