Chapter Eight: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

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Dear Self,

Maybe it's immature of me to point this out but I've found another weakness for my "oh so wonderful" fiancé... Jealousy. I could literally see it coming off of him in waves today! How exciting! The possibilities are now endless. He may say I need to act my age but with what I've witnessed today... It seems he's got some growing up to do.


My relationship with Jamal has always been... different. When people see us together their first thought is usually "they are so cute together" and it's absolutely true. With his deep brown skin tone compared to my medium brown skin tone we look really good together. He stands at six foot one so I'm just at his pec and a little bit under his shoulder. We just fit together.

And honestly it isn't his ridiculous good looks either. When Jamal and I are alone together he's a wonderful person. He makes sure I'm eating right and we have fun watching movies or going for walks. We fool around a lot and play weird board games or just cuddle on the couch...

But the keyword is when we're alone.

You see my fiancé has this annoying superiority complex about him that I've tried tirelessly to get rid of. Due to the fact that he's older than me he likes to act very dominant over me in all ways possible... and yes I mean in that way too.

I never really noticed it before because I was blinded by love I guess. It's weird but I'd grown accustomed to how he acted when we're in public. Whenever we'd go out he'd like it when I was close to him, like really close. He liked me to be meek as well and quiet because most of the time the people we would be around would only want to know about him right? But I let it slide because I loved seeing him in control.

It was so hot.

He's always wanted us to be touching somehow because he said and I quote "I have a beauty within me that attracts men to me like a magnet and they need to know who's woman I am" and I have to admit I swooned hard when he said that.

Jamal... He's such an amazing driven man who liked control over everything and liked to take charge... In all aspects of our relationship. He'd plan date nights, outings, family meetings and dinners. There even came a point when he'd plan when we'd have sex.

And truthfully I didn't mind it much since I was busy with school and finding a job but now that we're going to get married we need to straighten this out.

I'm way too much of an extrovert to act all reserved and shy like he wants me to anymore.

We left the shop in such a hurry I wasn't able to say hello to Caden's female friend. I do wonder who she is... She looked a little young for him to be honest.

All throughout the car ride home Jamal had a stern look on his face that was a telltale sign he was mad. Anyone who confronts someone like Caden would definitely feel some sort of aggression towards him for sure. The plan of going to Jessa's shop went downhill after our encounter with him.

I tried to tell Jamal that Caden isn't your average hunky, sex manifested on legs man with a killer smile and beautiful eyes... okay so I didn't say that at all. What I did tell him was that Caden wasn't someone to get into a fight with because if he tried he'd lose... badly.

After their "heated" conversation he demanded we come back to my place to talk which was fine with me until he shoved his tongue down my throat and started to grope me.

"Jamal we should really talk first." I say as he stares me down hard in my bedroom. His erection is more than prominent in his khakis and he's already unbuttoned his polo.

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