Chapter Ten: This is my Confession

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Spending Thanksgiving with Caden and his family showed me a side of him that I realized I was falling hopelessly in love with. I mean I knew I liked him when we first met and how could I not?

He has this masculinity about him that draws you in and holds your attention. His attitude, his eyes, his body... Man even his name is hot! And while there was this fierce attraction between us, now... It's more than that.

The way he interacted with his family, after he stopped acting so moody that is, was both funny and sweet and very entertaining to watch. He and his sister Cass's husband were at her beck and call to make sure she was okay due to her pregnancy. Caden was sure to help her up when she needed it or get her any drinks or extra food she may have wanted...

When his brother got into an argument with his employer Caden took him aside and talked him down till he relaxed. And even though the two men liked to fool around physically with each other which had Caleb ending up on his butt the majority of the night you could see the love and mutual respect they shared.

And Cammie... Well she's a cute kid who I can tell Caden favours a lot. I like talking to her because she's so blunt that it always ends up getting Caden upset. The two of them bickering is the funniest thing I've ever had the pleasure of viewing.

I'll admit when she exposed our kiss to everyone at the table I felt the pang of guilt strike me again and again and yet Caden took it upon himself to take all of the blame so I wouldn't feel as bad and she loved to tease him about it.

Honestly seeing him be so natural with them, seeing the family man that he is made my heart feel like it was going to burst.

Let alone him showing up at my doorstep and bringing me to his house so I wouldn't be alone for the holiday. I'd thanked Dev endlessly for sending that text because I may not have said it out loud but I was thoroughly alone and miserable that day.

With the truth bomb that Jamal had dropped on me it was hard to stay happy at all. How could I when my dreams were crushed without a second thought? I'd considered talking to him about maybe even adopting but he seemed so adamant on not wanting kids that I just kept to myself and sulked.

But there Caden was standing in my doorway possessing me with his eyes and making it known that I belonged by his side that night. He left no room for argument and if I were honest the moment I heard his voice through the intercom I knew I wasn't going to deny him anyways.

Even as he packed away my food without complaint and cleaned up my table and the little mess in the kitchen I felt myself losing more and more of my heart to him.

The passion in his words when he talked about his parents' love? The fervor in his voice when he made it quite clear he was displeased with Jamal's distaste for children... and the love in his eyes when he thought about having his own kids?

So utterly beautiful it made my chest ache.

And when he pulled me into him and kissed me like I was his source of life?

Holy crap I nearly passed out.

I mean yeah it was wrong and I shouldn't have enjoyed it as much or tried to relieve him of his pants either... What would have happened if Cammie didn't stop us? Would I have let him take me in his car?

Most definitely.

...I'm sick.

Why couldn't Jamal be like that? Why couldn't he just want one kid? I could be okay with one! If he just didn't shut down the idea then I wouldn't have been in that position with Caden and we wouldn't have kissed and I wouldn't have cheated and... Shit...

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