Seventeens as weird foods

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S. Coups: Shirako which is a bunch of different fish sperm and sacs yummmm

Jeonghan: Fugu which is pufferfish and it's not really weird but if it's not prepared right... then you die rip and no charges are pressed against the chef bc you signed a contract for this

Joshua: Locusts which are exactly what it sounds like but don't worry its kosher in israel

Jun: Idek what it's called but I had it at my vietnamese friend's house nd it was solidified pigs blood which tasted lowkey good

Hoshi: Casu Marzu which is cheese with a bunch of maGGots worming around in there

Wonwoo: Century egg and its an egg older than ur grandma bc its been preserved for over a century

Woozi: Wasp crackers which is a biscuit filled with a bunch of wasps... yOuCh

DK: Smalahove which is sheep's head and it's served staring back into your soul wondering why you killed an adorable animal

Mingyu: Yin Yang fish which is fish that's being fried while still alive and served while still alive and twitching..

The8: Hakarl which is preserved shark that's taken out and then hung up again for a month once more.. its said to smell repulsive but the taste is aight

Seungkwan: Cow urine which is what it sounds like but is said to have a therapeutic value so why not

Vernon: Bull's penis... and it's big enough for a family of 12

Dino: Balut which is a duck embryo eaten raw from its egg and you can still see its fetus eyes staring back at you...

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