s e v e n

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9:53am Thursday


Raven - yeah thanks for inviting me and letting me take Wick

Octavia - OMG Raven you were like making out with him all night

Monty - no problem guys

Jasper - you were like a pufferfish sucking his face off

Raven - omg guys stop your all so embarrassing

Clarke - awww I wish I could have come

Octavia- yeah you missed out, but I guess you were probably to busy with Bellamy am I right

Bellamy - oh O shut up

Octavia- your not denying it are you

Clarke - I was not with Bell

Murphy - Bell?

Octavia - that's my name for him >:(

Raven - he doesn't let anyone call him that

Monty - :0


Bellamy - i let plenty of people call me that

Raven - name 3

Bellamy - Octavia

Murphy - uhmmm two more

Bellamy - my mum

Jasper - keep going that's only two

Bellamy - and Clarke

Octavia - your so into her

Clarke - why does it matter if I call him that

Raven - cause it just does it means that you are getting closer

Clarke - how much closer can we get from being friends since we were born

Murphy - Clarke we aren't forgetting about you we know you like him

Bellamy - shut up Murphy

Monty - :0

Clarke - guys I gonna go I have work to do bye

Raven - bye ;)

Octavia- okay see ya

Murphy - yep

Monty - okay dokey talk to you later

Jasper - Bellarke is happening guys IFUGUSGUGEUGEIGWI

Bellamy - bye Princess


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