t h i r t y t w o |end|

1.4K 41 16

Clarke - We would like to say goodbye to you all

Bellamy - and a big sorry

Clarke - it was huge sorry, 'and a huge sorry'

Bellamy - thats what I meant....

Octavia - but I don't want it to end :(

Monty - yeah what about the story why are we ending it

Jasper - no more bellarke???

Clarke - we have no more ideas

Miller - I mean I have plenty of ideas

Murphy - okay well then tell us

Miller - Monty falls in love with me and leaves Harper

Monty - uhmm ....

Harper - hey not happening

Monty - ...

Maya - whats happening?

Lincoln - the story has come to an end

Maya - but I was like never in it

Murphy - cause no one cares about you tbh

Raven - Murphy what have I told you about being nicer

Murphy - crap sorry

Bellamy - my ship has sailed


Octavia - ^ same though

Lincoln- but Linctavia is better

Octavia - offff courseeeee

Clarke - hahahah funny

Octavia - what?!??

Clarke - nothing babe

Lincoln - uhm thats my name for her back off

Bellamy - dont tell her to back off!

Lexa - Well anyway thank you for reading, im the only mature one here

Finn - no you aren't

Lexa - you want me to stab you again?

Finn - gotta go bye

Clarke - bye everyone, we will miss you heapss xxx

Octavia - still dont want it to end ... bye

Raven - you know I like you a lot, thanks for reading everyone

Murphy - ehh bye

Miller - see you all later

Monty - have a good life, loved all the comments :)

Jasper - no more bellarke?

Bellamy - no

Jasper - NOOOOOOOOO :....(

Monty - come on buddy say bye

Jasper - bye

Maya - well no one cares for me apparently so bye

Harper - bye lovelies <3

Lincoln - will miss you all so much

The chat has been deleted


A/N IM SORRY, I had no motivation to write this story any more and didn't want to give you half of what I can do. Thank you all for reading, all your comments and votes have meant so much to me so thank you.

Good bye my loves xxxx

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