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5:27pm Friday

Monty - I just realised Miller had been AFP for a while

Bellamy - what is AFP

Jasper - Away From Phone Durrhhhh

Clarke - I think it's MIA not AFP


Bellamy - ........

Clarke - ........

Jasper - ........

Murphy - yeah his been out of town with his family, something about a dead grandma or something HAHAHA

Clarke - ITS NOT FUNNY SOMEONE DIED awww poor Miller, I hope his okay

Bellamy - come on man have a heart

Jasper - I know you had a small heart but I didn't realise it was that small

Monty - >:( that's cold man

Murphy - crap autocorrect I meant a dead GOLDFISH not GRANDMA ha hahahah



Bellamy - O I don't know what to do. HELP MEEE

Octavia - okay what's up big brother

Bellamy - I need to tell her it's driving me insane

Octavia- tell who what

Bellamy - I need to tell Clarke that I love her. I love her beautiful wavy blonde hair that falls down her shoulders and back. I love her eyes that look like the ocean that I could stare at forever. I love the way she laughs and talk and walks and the way she looks when she is in deep concentration. And the way she looks at the stars like they are the most amazing things ever. That's the way I want her to look at me like I'm the most amazing thing ever. I don't, I mean I can't wait any longer or she will be taken from me and become another mans. I just can't o please help me.

Octavia - first of all FINALLLLLY and secondly just ask her out to dinner or something it's not like she doesn't feel the same.

Bellamy - how would you know that O

Octavia - Bellamy you must be blind. Haven't you seen the way she lights up whenever you walk in a room or how she waits to see where you sit so she can sit besides you. If that doesn't mean she loves you back or even likes you then I don't know what does.

Bellamy - Thanks O. I mean it

Octavia- now go get your Princess, Bell.

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