n i n e t e e n

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Monty - if Miller is adding someone to the chat so am I

Monty added Harper to 'The Delinquents'

Jasper - me toooo

Jasper added Maya to 'The Delinquents'

Maya - What is happening

Harper - I have noooo idea

Murphy - and who might you be

Jasper - THEY are mine and Montys girls

Monty - Meet Maya and Harper

Maya - Can I just say your names on this chat are reealllly boring

Harper - yeah lets change em up


Clarke - Now there is 6 of us

Raven - this chat is getting really big

Maya changed her name to 'Maya 🙉'

Maya 🙉 - see look how cute my name is

Harper - my turn

Harper changed her name to 'Harper🤘🏼'

Octavia - this looks fun

Raven - yeah let's do it

Octavia changed her name to      'O 🐷'

Raven changed her name to      'Rae 💣'


Clarke changed her name to 'Clarkey 💗'

Bellamy - no

Bellamy changed Clarkeys name to 'Princess 👑'

Princess 👑 changed Bellamys name to 'Bell 🔔'

Murphy - ahhahaha your name


Princess 👑 - it's cute

Princess 👑 changed Murphys name to 'Dick head 🍆'

Rae 💣 - yeah

O 🐷 - I agree

Lexa changed her name too 'LexyBaby 😘'

Monty changed his name to 'Monty 😇'

Jasper changed his name to 'Jas 🍰'

Miller changed his name to 'Nat 🔫'

Lincoln changed his name to 'Linc 😀'
Rae 💣 - this chat has gone out of hand

LexyBaby 😘 - You love it

Jas 🍰 - CAKE

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