[2] Old Friends

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Ashley POV

I sigh and get off the plane for L.A. it was a  long flight but I'm ready too see Connor again. I look around then I see him. I run over and hug him "Teddy Bear!" He laughs and spins me around "Hey Carter!" He sets me down and we go to his truck. "So... How are things with Bryson?" I laugh "I'm ending things." Connor smirks "I told you it would happen!" I smile "I know. I need you and your mates help. I have a plan." I say a grin on my face. We pull into the office and I see everyone "Hello people!" They all look over and Bobby hugs me "It's my fishing buddy!" I laugh and hug him back "Hey Bobby!" After saying hi to Matt, Joey, Bryan, Gunner and Bryan's family I see somebody next to Joey. "Oh! Kevin this is Ashley. Ashley this is Bryan's brother Kevin." I look at Matt then Kevin "Hi. I'm Ashley. Connor told me you some stuff about you." Kevin laughs "Hopefully good things. Hi, I'm Kevin or Keobi." We shake hands and a chill runs fown my spine. From the look on his face he felt it too "Ok. So I need your help guys." Bobby crosses his arms "What is it?" "I need to get back at Bryson. I'm breaking up with him because all I am too him is a pretty face... Well never mess with a country girl." I say. They all look at each other then look at me "What's the plan?" I smirk "Well Bobby since you love too fish we are going on a fishing trip. I need the rest of you to just hide around the area." Bobby nods "What can I do?" I look at Bobby "Ever shot a gun?" "Yep." "Good. You need to shoot a nerf dart and hit his head then knock him into the water." Bobby smirks "I can do that." "Bring a bunch of nerf guns. We are gonna have some fun you guys."

Time skip

The plan is complete. Bobby is set up in a tree and everyone else is all around us with nerf guns. I hear Bryson pull up and I turn around. He walks over and I gag a bit. "So what are we doing today, Ashley?" He puts his arm around me. "We are fishing." I state and move away from him. Minutes kater he tries to kiss me but I shove him back. He surfaces and stares at me then the darts start. He screams and moves away. I watch him run away to his car then shoot him in the crotch. He groans and gets in his car driving away. We all laugh and I high five them all. "That was awesome!" I giggle. Matt puts a hand on my shoulder "I think we found ourselves a new member for High-5. What do you say Ashley? Wanna join us?" I look around at them all "Heck ya!" They all cheer and I laugh. I love L.A. already.. I say to myself and look over seeing Kevin staring at me with a smile on his face. I smile back and he winks.

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