[3] Kevin Likes Ashley!

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Ashley POV

I walk into the office and see Bryan with a nerf gun shooting a Joey. I laugh then Joey shouts and holds his eye. "You ok dude?" Matt asks. "In fifth grade a kid threw an ice cube at my eye and paralyzed my iris." Bryan makes a face and I go over to Joey checking his eye "I don't think anything is damaged. Your eye is just irritated. Normal reaction if your hit in the eye." Joey nods and rubs his eye "Thanks for the advice, Ashley." He sighs in relief "Yeah. No problem man." I walk into the office I share with Kevin and put my stuff down. He walks in with his camera "Do you know the agenda for today?" I look at my desk and set stuff up "I think Mike, Gunner and Connor are going to Lowe's. I'm going with You, Bryan, Matt and Joey to Ikea for some stuff for you guys and I need me a chair." Kevin hums and walks out. I smirk at him before sitting down when I hear a scream. I go down the steps and see Gunner against the wall "What the heck is going on?" Matt walks out looking spooked "We found a Black Widow spider up in the corner." I shiver "I am terrified if those creepy crawly things." I follow Matt and look up at it then scream and back up "That thing is huge! Holy crap man."

Matt nods and looks at me "We need to head out and get some spray to kill the sucker." I nod in agreement.

Little time skip to after they bye stuff

I help them carry stuff up the steps and to their offices. I get my chair and build that thing. I sit in it and sigh spinning "So comfy." Kevin laughs recording me. I get lip and playfully shove him out "Get out boy." Matt runs up the steos and tosses me a bag "Get dressed. We are all going to the beach!" I change and go down the steps. "Let's head out!" We get to the beach and it's fun. Everyone is swimming and playing volley ball. After two hours of that we all sit around and play truth or dare. I get up and go get a sprite. When I come back I see Kevin blushing while Matt and Joey chant "Kevin likes Ashley" over and over. Kevin looks up and sees me. I walk away to a different area then I hear yelling. Bryan runs over "Ashley! Come help me!" I turn and look at him "What is up?" "Kevin. He took off running and I need somebody to help me find him." I nod and everyone walks around then I see Kevin by the water just sitting there staring at the ocean. "Stay here. I got this on my own.". I walk up next to him "Nice night?" He turns and looks at me "Ashley! What are you doing here?" I smile up at him "You ran off so I made sure you were ok. Are you ok Kevin?" He just sighs and sits down on the sand "You heard everything that happened. I was emmbarased so I took off running." I sit down next to him "It's alright Kevin. It's your feelings and I respect that. Heck I have feelings for a guy in the office but... Nevermind." Kevin nods and looks down "Well I hope you two end up together." I smile and look at him "Are you going to ask me out then or no?" "Well no you don't like me-... Wait.. Did you just?" I nod and he stands up. I stand up and look at him "Hold on a second. You like me and you just told me to ask you out." I smile and nod. He just stares at me and I stare back. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer then presses his lips to mine. I kiss him back all while smiling. He tilts his head to the side deepening the kiss. We pull away both breathing heavily. "I'm keeping this for later." We both look to Matt and blush. "Well. Ashley would you like to be my girl?" I smile "I'd love too." We walk back holding hands. This is the best day ever.

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