[15] Today Is The Day

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Ashley POV

I shake while looking at Amanda and Sarah getting ready. They turn to me "Sweetie what's wrong?" Sarah asks looking concerned. I just start to tear up "What if somebody doesn't want us married? What if they interfere? What if... What if Kevin doesn't say I do?" I whisper the last part about to cry. Amanda and Sarah pull me into a hug "Sweetie nobody is going to interrupt your day. If they do I'm sure Joey and Your dad will flip."  I nod at Amanda's word's and dab my eyes. "Now. Let's get you ready girl." I smile and they help me get ready. When I'm done Joey walks in with Bobby and Gunner "Wow. You look amazing Ash." I smile at Gunner "Thank you, Gunner. You boys look amazing as well." Joey smiles and they all hug me tightly which is kinda hard because of the dress "Boys your going to ruin my master piece. Back away!" Amanda scolds and we all laugh about that. Joey gets a bit closer and kisses my cheek "That's from Kevin, Bryan and Matt." I smile while giggling then I kiss his cheek "That's from me since your an adorable little snowflake." Joey shakes his head then Bobby and Gunner kiss my head befire leaving. My dad cones in and looks at me. He just about starts to cry causing me to tear up "Daddy don't cry. Sarah would kill me of I ruined my make-up." Sarah and Amanda laugh. My dad comes up to me and puts a necklace around my neck. I look down seeing a diamond necklace with a sapphire jewel in the middle. He kisses my head and hugs me tightly "You ready angel?" I nod my head and we walk out to the little area backstage. Bryan and Sarah walk out followed by Matt and Amanda. Soon I'm left and let me tell you. My heart is racing so fast in my chest it might pop. My dad and I link arms then Bella and Ari show up holding a basket each of rose petals. I bend to,hug them "You look so pretty Auntie Ashley." Ari says looking at me. I boop her nose "One day you'll be in a dress like this walking with your daddy." She giggles and walks out with Bella. I watch them leave then I feel my dad out his hand on my stomach. I smile at him "Daddy I'm only a month in." I tell him smiling "I know, Angel. I just can't wait." I smile at him and we walk down the aisle. Kevin looks stunning and he just smiles while looking at me. Connor smiles at me and waves a bit. I wave back and he mouths 'You look beautiful.' I smile and stand up by the alter in front of Kevin. The pastor does his stuff then it's time for the vows. Kevin goes first "Ashley. When Connor first brought you to the office I thought well knew you had somebody then your plan came along. I remember you and Bobby shooting Bryson and I just smiled the whole time. When Matt offered you the job I was freaking out on the inside. I liked you but I thought it was too early. Then that night at the beach and I knew you heard what Joey was saying so I ran off. Then that whole thing happened where I said I liked you and then you just told me to ask you out." I giggle at that and the others laugh Kevin continues "I just can't wait till we have our family completed with this little kido growing inside of you." I giggle and I see Kevin's eyes gloss over and a single tear rolls down his cheek. I wipe it away "I'm the girl. You shouldn't be crying." I giggle on the verge of tears. He laughs and looks down holding my hand. I look up at him "When I first saw you I just remember thinking something that I can't say because of Bella and Ari..." Everyone laughs and My dad just shakes his head "Please keep it PG, Ash!" I look at Joey and stick my tongue out "Anyways! I'm just glad I managed to get by and well didn't screw anything up." Kevin smiles at me. After our vows the pastor says you may kiss the bride. He lifts my veil and stares into my eyes. I grin "Are you gonna kiss me or not?" Kevin smiles and slowly kisses me. Everyome cheers and Kevin takes my hand running down the aisle.

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