A Heated Backstabber [Willowson]

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Hello! Welcome back! I feel bad for not writing, so get ready for a long one.
Anyway, this one isn't going to go directly off of the actual series and how everything works. You'll see what i mean when you get in and read it yourself.

Oh, and this gets a bit dark, so be warned. A lil bit of blood mentioned, but the end is what will be the most painful.

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[Major feels]

~ Wilson's POV ~
"Okay guys! Time to get ready! Remember, the caves are dark, and materials are limited. Don't bring anything worthless.. Oh! Lest i not forget, be prepared for constant sanity drain." I said to the three others as they gathered and made their materials. Willow was making light sources, some lanterns, extra light bulbs, etc. Wigfrid was gathering food and weapons for us, since she never minded sharing her Helms and Battle Spears, while Maxwell chuckled at the sanity drain comment as he created two shadow puppets, one for fighting and one for mining.

I raised a brow at the mining one, wondering why he would make it. He must have seen my confused look, since he said. "Well if we see the ruins, it's better to have an extra fighter while this guy mines the extra rocks and statues around."

"Guess it makes sense.. Okay, is everyone ready? Cause i'm just itching to go in!" I yelled, a smile spreading across my face. We barely went underground to explore, since we were afraid of cave-ins during an earthquake. Wigfrid handed me a Battle Helm and a Battle Spear, then one of each to Willow. She only gave the helm to Maxwell, since he had Night Armor and a Shadow Sword.

Once everyone nodded, i carefully started to go down, adjusting the insulated pack so that it wouldn't slip. Most of our food was in it, but some liked to keep theirs on-hand just in case we get split up. I thought we should explore in pairs, but Wigfrid kept complaining that she wouldn't want to be with anyone but Willow, and i was not going to tolerate Maxwell.

"Alright, i see some mushtrees over there. Should we go there first?" I asked, pointing towards the green mushroom trees not too far from the stairs. Willow stuck her tongue out.

"No? Why would we go to the most obvious place?" She said, almoat disgusted by the fact i even mentioned it. I felt a small pang in my chest at the comment.

Wigfrid smiled. "Well, if we're splitting up nöw, i call the mushtrees!" She exclaimed in a loud voice, then started to run off before any of us told her no.

Maxwell sighed, sniffing the air. He shivered slightly. "I can almost smell the flowers... I'll go off. You guys should be careful around Charlie. She lurks everywhere here..." he slowly said, then started walking off into the darkness. It was only until he heard a hiss did he take out his lanturn.

Willow frowned slightly. "See ya later, nerd. I'm gonna go set stuff on fire. Have fun doing nothing cool." She said, then got out her lighter and walked off.

I sighed and walked north of the stairs, getting out my lanturn as i went into the darkness. I felt something familiar, the scent of roses lingering. I wonder if it's that woman who helped me.. i thought as i continued.

As I walked along, I almost didn't notice the large purple tentacle in front of me. "Woah! That thing is huge! Is it going all the way up?.." I asked aloud to no one, staring upward. I then looked back in front of myself at the thing  then reached out and poked it.

Big mistake.

As I did, many small tentacles came from the ground with no warning, attacking me all at once. Crying out, i scrambled away from the tentacles. "Ow.. That's it!" I growled, then placed my lanturn down, grabbing my battle spear. "You've messed with the wrong scientist!" I yelled, then started to attack the small tentacles.

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