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When Viktor's friends all seemed to begin moving in, he gave a mental sigh, eyes falling shut for a second before he followed onward with them. They seemed to cave in around the boy, surrounding him in a matter of seconds. People around them, the other groups, seemed to know exactly what was going to happen already, some tapping their friends to get them to turn, others evacuating the scene quickly, not wanting to be caught and lectured for watching something like this go down and doing nothing about it.

Viktor just stood by his group, blocking off a small corner, standing in between two of his taller friends. Most of them were already smirking confidentially, eyes cockily examining the prey before them. The Russian boy just kinda looked unamused, eyes flickering from the boy in the middle to his friends, and finally at their surroundings.

Though, once the boy in the middle finally piped up and spoke, with the rather simple, 'I don't want any trouble', Viktor's eyes snapped back to him, widening a bit at the sound. He had a nice voice, as odd as that sounded, a pleasant accent that topped off his semi-confident sounding tone.
Who was he kidding? His friends could basically smell fear, they lived off of it. 

"Oh Yeah? You miss your little friends?" ,One of his friends huffed back, shoving the boy backwards as the Japanese boy attempted to move his way out of the circle of taller students. It was a rather hard push, sending the boy back quite a bit. That's when Viktor took advantage of that situation, and as soon as the boy connected with his chest, falling back into him, the Russian teenager grabbed at his arm, shoving him out of the surrounding circle, before giving another shove, just an encouraging one to get him to move his ass away before his friends trailed after and continued to harass him.

"Fuck him-" Viktor muttered out to his friends, who looked a bit confused as to why he let the other go, though nodded in agreement with their friend's words. "So, you going to Mila's party tonight?" And with that, everything seemed to be relax back to normal again, the group seeming to forgot about what had just happened, starting to their first class. Viktor glanced back, making sure the boy had scampered off before following along after the others.


Letting out a slight grunt at the feeling of being harshly shoved backwards, Yuuri opened up his mouth to respond before being cut off by the sudden and jarring movement. His arm had been grabbed, twisted as he was practically thrown from the circle. He skidded forward a few steps to avoid being pulled back in before glancing over his shoulder at whoever it was that freed him. A tall boy, presumably the one he had fallen into upon being shoved.

The other teenager physically appeared similar to the rest of the group; silver hair that fell to the side, and the same pretentious fashion choices as the other wealthier kids, but there was something in his eyes. Perhaps a glint of pity, or concern for a split second as the two made eye contact. What mattered was that he had the balls and integrity to help Yuuri out, even if it did leave him with a million questions, most of them starting with 'Why-?'.

Brushing himself off, the Asian managed a quick, yet thankful smile towards his 'savior'. He knew it would have been much easier to have just let the events play out, but was glad to know that at least one of those knuckleheads had some sympathy. It would have really sucked to hobble through the school day with injuries. Yuuri rubbed the arm that was grabbed at, turning away and finally taking off. He adjusted his glasses as he walked, still relaxing from the close encounter. That whole situation really could have taken an awful turn if that stranger hadn't kindly pulled him out of harm's way.

Yuuri sighed outwardly, shaking the image of the boy from his head. Why was he so fixated on the small act of kindness? There was likely no motive behind it, regardless. The other had undoubtedly forgotten about him by then, so why was he still so intrigued? Yanking the strap of his backpack back up onto his shoulder, he momentarily stopped at his locker to collect some books.

He fiddled with the lock, before popping the rickety door open and unpacking all he would need for the day. He listened to the nearby chatter of his fellow students, knowing that this was going to be a very difficult morning already.

Possibilities ( A Yuri!!! On Ice Fanfiction)  Where stories live. Discover now