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This kid didn't seem half bad. Yuuri knew this because of two things; he didn't immediately bodyslam the smaller teenager into the floor for his comments, and he actually /smiled/ at his little outburst. The guy was practically a diamond in the rough compared to his friends. Hell, maybe not all socs were as awful as the boy tended to believe. For good reason, though. He had withstood far more negative encounters with the classier students than positive. Or any at all.

Damn, did the guy chatter a lot, though. All of his blabbering hardly gave Yuuri a chance to jump into the conversation. Although, the banter didn't seem to be prompted by a nervous reaction like his own tended to be. The older boy seemed composed as ever, but still had quite a mouth on him. It was enough to prompt an eyeroll from the Asian, who eventually jumped in before the Russian, now known as Viktor, could spew out anything else.

"Same name as your friend, I think.. Yuuri," He spoke up, tone wavering a little as he quickly followed after the other. "He doesn't like me too much, though.." Yuuri couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by the grand presence alone, even if all he had done was invite the poorer teen out for a quick smoke. He couldn't resist the offer, and had wordlessly trailed along. If anything, he probably looked like Viktor's dog, or a little sibling.. Well, if they didn't look so different, he sure as hell would.

Everything Viktor did looked godlike. The way he flipped his hair, popped his collar up, even how he flicked his lighter out looked like a routine practiced for weeks. Perhaps Yuuri was just a little too fond of the other student, but he just looked so.. cool. It was to the point that he almost aspired to have that much confidence.

Sighing in near silence, he whipped out his pack, flipping it open to make sure none of his friends had sneaked a cigarette while he wasn't paying attention. It was a common occurrence, as the gang all knew Yuuri would never complain if he caught them stealing. He listened to the dull click of his shoes against the tile floors as they approached the heavy double doors of the exit. It was amazing how simple skipping could be, as teachers never dared to try and stop anyone from heading out. Students were practically free range.


"Yuuri.." Viktor tested the name as soon as he heard it, repeating it a couple more times under his breath for a good measure. He would keep that name in his head, and he doubted he would ever forget it. Especially as he had another friend with the same name, chuckling to himself as the Japanese boy brought him up. Now that he thought about it, they probably did clash a lot, and their personalities seemed to be a lot more different. "Ah, Yuri, my friend, he's a couple years younger-" Viktor turned his head, looking back at the dark haired boy as he trailed along after him, "he's a sweet boy, though he does have a lot of his outburst moments." Giving a chuckle to himself as he recalled a few days ago where the boy had an anger outburst on Viktor himself, all because he didn't want the boy's help with his homework. That ended up with a textbook being tossed at Viktor, hitting his leg. It didn't leave a bruise, though Yuri said sorry and walked off. the Russian was just relieved to hear the apology, smiling to himself like and idiot afterwards as he realized the younger did care about him. It was a nice thought. Their families have also been friends for years. Yuri was probably one of his 'closer' friends.

Staring ahead, the lighter haired boy finally came across the two heavy doors, leaning on to his side to open one, holding the door open for Yuuri as he passed through. Since some students seemed to skip so often, teachers and workers at the school had long given up on searching and getting them in trouble for this. Thus, they figured, hell, if you want an education, come to school, if not, there's the door. It wasn't strict, though some teachers were still pricks and caused you trouble.

Once they were outside, Viktor moved over to the front wall of the school, leaning against it a bit before pressing down on his lighter, causing a flame to appear at the top, burning brightly as he waited for Yuuri to place a cigarette over the top and light it up. He had his own cigs, but hey, if Yuuri was offering his own, hey, Viktor wasn't going to be one turn that offer down.

"Are you going to that party tonight? I mean- I know it's not on your 'side', but-" He stumped himself, looking down for a moment, furrowing his brows before looking back up at the poorer boy. Of course he wouldn't go, he would probably be slaughtered if he did.
Viktor didn't often talk to those on the 'greaser' side.
And for once he kinda went quiet for a few moments, looking down at the ground before he was handed the cigarette, gratefully taking it, giving a soft "Thank you." before sticking it in his mouth.

"Y'know, I didn't even want to go much anyways." The platinum haired boy finally spoke out, peeking up once more. "It's gon' end stupid, always does, last time the police were called cause the idiots decided to attempt to light a house on fire." He tsked, shaking his head a bit. "Much rather stay home, or maybe I'll take a lady out, we'll see if I could get one." Once more he gave a quiet laugh, taking out the cigarette before blowing out the smoke, his head tilting back against the wall, eyes falling shut.

"Last time we got you, how badly hurt were you?" Viktor asked quietly, his voice a bit lower. He recalled it, a couple weeks ago after school when his friends spotted the boy in his group. Of course, being his friends, they started trying to cause trouble. And, of course, people got hurt.
Viktor knew Yuuri from there, that was the first time he saw him, bloodied and running away, poor kid. The Russian was only standing back, watching the doors so no teacher would come.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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