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As he captured the eyes of the Japanese boy, Viktor could only give a weak smile back, then turned his head back, silver hair flicking forward again before he bounded off with his friends who seemed to forget everything that happened earlier. If anything, he was glad that they didn't go after him, or get upset at Viktor. Idiots..

He followed along after them, joining in on a rather rowdy loud conversation before the bell rang, and the group separated for the most part. Viktor was still in a class with two of those friends, sitting near the back. And the Japanese boy- He was sure he was in his Math class, though he believed he sat at the front. Viktor couldn't recall, not paying much attention to him until today.

The Russian boy wasn't a bad student, he wasn't dumb, and he was passing all of his courses pretty well, unlike a few (most) of his friends who took no care in school what-so-ever, choosing their social life over education. But then again, it shouldn't matter to them, they already had enough money behind their name to get them by.

Don't get me wrong, Viktor wasn't the type to go home and study for six hours and ace all his tests, in fact, it was a bit of the contrary, enjoying his nights with his delinquent gang, as well as going to parties and the drive in. Most subjects just came easy to him. Thankfully.

Though, often times his friends would simply cheat off of him or copy his homework when the teacher checked. Viktor didn't mind.

Even though the bell rang and the group of rebellious boys separated, they still took their time heading to class, which clearly meant, they were marked late. As they arrived, the teacher scolded them, though one of his friends gave out a stupid excuse, making the class laugh at the stupidity, Viktor joining in for a moment before they headed to the back, sitting around a few desks with the two boys that attended his math class.

He still cared for his friends, even if they were giant idiots, and at times, complete and utter assholes. Viktor didn't hate them, they just had differences, but they liked Viktor a whole lot so that was pretty okay.

They talked, chattering at the back of class whilst the teacher explained his lesson. Clearly the teacher was annoyed, yet didn't say anything, knowing if he did scold them, they would still carry on without a care. Or, worse, cause more trouble. That was not wanted, nor needed as they carried on the lesson about formulas.


As Yuuri stepped into his first period Math classroom, the first thing he noticed was the same head of silver hair that belonged to the boy who so graciously assisted him before.


As if he hadn't been thinking about the strange event enough, but he had never even noticed the teenager was apart of his class. Perhaps he hadn't been paying enough attention. Why would he? Yuuri had never taken any interest in that group before, unless an interest in pounding their heads in with stones counted.

Having luckily made it inside just before the bell rang, the Japanese student had nothing more to worry about than quickly unpacking his needed textbook and a pen. Dropping his backpack down under his seat, he listened in as those tardy were questioned and subsequently let go. Per usual. The richer kids really could get away with anything.

Yuuri sighed, scooting his chair in and resting his elbows on his desks as he paid minimal attention to the teacher's endless blabbering. Sometimes, he felt as though he was a little too experienced to be grouped in such a class. While Science was easily his greatest academic skill, Math was not far behind.

It was no wonder he was placed up in the front of the classroom. He was stereotypically smart, the kind of student that others fled to for help on occasion, despite his low social status. It felt nice to at least be recognized for one of his talents.

Unable to keep his focus, Yuuri leaned back in his chair, exhaling heavily. The breath came out silent, as if he were holding back. He really was. It took a lot to remain mostly invisible to the remainder of the student body, and he would not make his presence obvious for no reason. He shifted around, taking a curious glance behind him in the direction of the boy he still couldn't attach a name to. There were a few of his friends that the Japanese boy could recognize. Georgi Popovich, Mila Babicheva.. and of course, Yuri Plisetsky, only for the torment he had been put through for sharing a name with the younger teenager. There were certainly more, but those were the only names he could recall.

If anything, Yuuri found himself.. almost admiring the other. The thought was a little unnerving, but he couldn't help staring. His hair fell perfectly, though not enough to cover his eyes, shimmering and blue. Full of life. While it didn't seem that the teenager had noticed him staring, the teacher surely did.

A loud slam on his desk caused the boy to jump in his chair, snapping back forward to find himself face-to-face with a rather irritated instructor. "Mr. Katsuki.. If you're done staring, I'd like to continue my lesson." He had spoken, to which Yuuri only slowly nodded in return. The scene emitted a laugh from his fellow classmates, and a bright red blush from the Asian himself. He pushed his glasses up slightly, mumbling something under his breath about how idiotic the situation was, and relaxed as the class proceeded as normal.

Possibilities ( A Yuri!!! On Ice Fanfiction)  Where stories live. Discover now