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Viktor was focusing on his friends and the conversation they were having before he heard the loud smack, which sent everyone in the class to absolute silence, a few jumping in shock at the loud sound.
The Russian boy's attention snapped forward, watching the boy, the smaller Japanese one he helped earlier, quickly turn around. Why was he facing the back? Stupid, on his part.

Especially because now his friends recognized who he was. Ugh- So much for trying to help for once. His eyes shut for a moment, feeling the second hand embarrassment for the poor kid sitting at the front, shaking his head a bit before his eyes opened again, spotting his friends already making some inappropriate remarks.

"Don't think he's the smart kind of Asian-" He heard one of them mumble, causing his eyes to roll, then looked forward again. He would make some kind of defensive mark for him right then and there but- It was better he didn't. It would be left alone, dealt with by time passing.
Or so he had hoped.

Within a matter of minutes, there was a spitball flung, which ended up hitting the back of the unfortunate Japanese boy's head whilst the teacher was turned around. And- now a handful of people behind him snickering, include some rather attractive girls.

Viktor stared in disappointment, knowing his friends wanted to get the kid riled up, they always picked on the lonely smaller ones, especially since the boy had told them his friends weren't there. Big mistake on his part. He shook his head a bit once more, then gave yet another pitiful glance ahead at the boy sitting at the very front of the class. That kid had no idea what was coming for him.


That was the last straw. Yuuri's face flared up embarrassedly at the awful harassment; he was just glad the ball had not stuck. He gritted his teeth out of frustration through the the snarky laughter of the students around him. The pressure was almost constricting, leaving him with a painfully tight feeling in his chest. His heart. Scowling downward with a bright face, the boy shot a hand upwards to grab the teacher's attention momentarily.

"Can I use the bathroom? –Actually, the nurse. I need to go to the nurse." The Japanese boy questioned bluntly, obviously not willing to take no for an answer. His tone had come out as an aggressive snap, and the English instructor, surely not wanting anymore of that 'mighty oriental wrath' unleashed upon him, obliged without question. This earned a mixed reaction from the classroom, some students chuckling absentmindedly, while others let out sarcastic 'oooo's fill the tense silence.

At the dumb approval, Yuuri stood quickly, again turning around to send a harsh glare towards those who had been laughing, before snatching his backpack from off the floor and striding out of the classroom. He passed the unknown boy as he walked, catching his gaze momentarily before stepping out of the classroom. As the door clicked shut behind him, it was obvious that the teenager would not be returning to class. While it wasn't often that he took the opportunity to skip any periods through the day, he even considered leaving the building entirely.

Slinging his backpack strap over his shoulder, Yuuri found himself hesitating. Waiting.. for something. Who knew what. He stood outside the classroom door, lazily leaning against the wall beside the doorframe. Reaching up with one hand, he easily whipped his glasses off. Tucking them on the collar of his shirt, he let out an exasperated breath and rubbed his temples with his thumbs. The eyewear always gave him headaches when he was feeling angered, enough that he could hardly stand to wear them when he wasn't feeling his best.

None of this would have happened if Yuuri could just keep himself focused. What even was the point of staring at that boy? Hell, the other likely didn't even know he existed. It wasn't that he would ever speak to the teenager unless spoken to, but he was absolutely fixated. It was three times, at that point, three times that they had made eye contact. He was gripping to that number, for some reason.


Viktor was shocked at the sudden outburst from the Japanese kid, staring wide eyed and all as he seemed to snap out at the teacher after what had happened, practically demanding to go to the nurse's office. And- Within a few more seconds, the kid was gone, the spitball on the ground being the only left evidence.

And after a few more seconds of chatters and snickers, the class returned to listing to the teacher mumble on about some old poem they were memorize. And, once more, his friends seemed to forget what happened and continue with speaking about the party later tonight that they would be attending. Though Viktor wasn't much interested, he knew he would be dragged along anyways, not having much of a choice.

Even after those few moments, Viktor couldn't stomach it, what his friends had done, that pained look in the poor kids eyes. He was silent, keeping to himself during that time as he thought. The Soc couldn't do anything to help him out there- His hand stretched up, gaining the teacher's attention as most of the participation came from the front.
"Sir, I'm going to the bathroom." And with that he was already standing, not waiting for a reply as he began to walk to the front of the class, over to the door. The teacher wasn't able to put in a word before Viktor straight up walked out, leaving his friends a bit confused, though knowing they couldn't really go after him, not that they really wanted.

Obviously, Viktor didn't have to go to the bathroom, instead wanting to just see if that poor kid was alright, I mean, the nurse's office? That was harsh. But, little did he know he would find him not to far off from the class. In fact, right in front of it.

"You-" Viktor muttered quickly, blue eyes examining over the Japanese kid. He approached, giving him a nonchalant nudge on the shoulder, as if he was being attacked by his friends just earlier.

"Sorry about them, they get rowdy sometime huh?" Viktor teased, leaning against a set of lockers, arms now crossing over his chest as he watched the other student by him.

Possibilities ( A Yuri!!! On Ice Fanfiction)  Where stories live. Discover now