Concert and Crushes

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*Chrissy's P.O.V*

I peek out into the crowd and I don't see Zach. I don't know why but I can't stop thinking about him. There is just.....ugh.. something about him I don't know why he is on my mind all of a sudden. I see Cameron who is in a hoodie and suglasses and he is with his band in the front row.  He sees me and smiles waving and I waved back blowing him a kiss. I then hear the fans calling out for us and look at my watch yep it's show time. I grab my earpiece and mic and stand and quickly set up before the announcer introduced us and pulled back the curtain. 

I looked to my smiling boyfriend and saw he had something on his neck. It looked redish or a purple and I felt my stomach drop. The audience saw my face and I knew I had to recover quick. "Hey guys as you all know I am Chrissy then we have Dan and Will. We are Against the current. I was going to sing a new love song but I think you guys all know this song. Here is our song Gravity! Sing along if you know it." I said as the audience cheered and Will started drumming and Dan stummed away and I felt it in my heart this was right. I went up to the front and grabbed fans hands and walked away from Cameron and his band. I know it's not right that I should ask him but I am upset and a little dissapointed looking at him and then I took a second glance and the mark was still there. I can't tell if that's a lip print or something else. He has never had anything on there before and especially not by me. I mean we have been going out for a while and he asked me but hasn't done anything since I told him no. 

I feel the tears coming as the song finished and I think about what song to do next and then it hit me. I look back at the boys and mouth "Roses" and they nodded and looked at Cameron then back at me with a thumbs up. I look back at the fans and say, "This is a song for a very special audience member. It is a song from out debut album called Roses." I said then looked at Cameron. "When you hear the message you will get what I am trying to say."  I smile then Dan started playing and I waited for my cue. I sang out and never broke eye contact with Cameron and he had a smile that turned really quick after the first couple of lines. 

I sang the song that I thought I would never sing to him but things don't always last and my heart was breaking a little seeing his face by the end of the song. When the song ended we sang other songs but it was time for one last song and an encore if the audience wanted it. 

I was a little out of breath from getting most of my anger out but the grand finale is up and I'm ready. " So here is the last song of the night named Gravity sing along if you know it." I said and the audience cheered louder and I saw Cameron and his friends leave. He knew this song was about him because I wrote it the first time we broke up because he said he wasn't ready for a relationship. He was one of those boys who would see girls but once they wanted to be in a relationship he would get scared that he would hurt them and friend zone them. I remember it took me forever for him to ask me out and call he his. 

*Zach's P.O.V*

She sings with so much heart, soul and emotion. I'm guessing her boyfriend was there but she was singing with so much anger as well. Maybe it's just me but I saw a guy with a hoodie sneak out with his friends out of the front and I sneaked in and fought for the front. I need to talk to her again. 

*Chrissy's P.O.V.*

Once the song was ended I saw him backstage furious with his band members and they all had their arms crossed. Taylor especially looked mad and I knew I messed up because when I was ever mad at Cameron I would always tell her first about it. She was like a sister to me and was always there. 

My attention was drawn to the audience that roared for the encore and then I went back into reality. "You guys want an encore!" I said smiling and waving to them as they screamed. "Well which song do you want to hear last?" I asked as they screamed and sang Roses and it made me smile. "Okay we have a winner for the encore song here is Roses I'm so glad you all loved it." I said as Dan started playing again and I took a sip of water and quickly sang the verse. 

Once the song ended I went back and grabbed Dan and Will's hands and we walk to the front of the stage and bow and say thanks for coming out and I blew kisses to the audience. We took a final bow then they closed the curtains and I walked to get my water and took my mic off. I then walked over and passed Cameron who now was not in his hoodie and he sped walked towards me. "You have something to say to me because it sounded like you just broke up with me through song!" He said angrily raising his voice and I shrugged. "Fine I will break up with you now and over song. We are over Cameron and you know the reason why." I said walking away and he grabbed my arm. "I am not finished talking with you I need a reason why." He said as he pulled me closer. "Why don't you look at your neck." I said pulling myself out of his grip and walked away starting to cry. "You said you covered it Taylor I trusted you!" He said and I turned around and walked towards her. "You knew about this?" I said and Cameron stepped in. "Yeah she does she was the one who did it." He said with a smirk and he pulled his arm around her waist but Taylor hit him. "Chrissy it's not what it looks like." She said and I shook my head. "No don't worry he's all yours in fact I just met a really cute guy today so in the end you be happy with him and I will be happy with the other." I said turning around one last time and now I can't take what I said back. I don't want to take it back even though I met Zach today he's cute and his band is really good. I think I like ...... I do like Zach Abels. 


Hey guys this is another person updating. This account consists of 3 girls that are best friends irl and our names will be changed so we can do this secretly . We love ships and can be trash cans (it is our inside joke). We love both Against the Current and The Neighborhood and I personally like We Are The In Crowd so please don't send hate because we don't hate Cameron either we just did this for the story and either way it is fiction so there should be no hate to us or anyone. Please vote and comment if you like this story. 

Thank you and with love,


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