Never let go.

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| Hello! This Chapter is a little bit of fluff so yeah! I hope you enjoy it! ♡ |

   You sat there, next to him. Admiring the view. It has been 3 days since you both confessed. What a world.
    He ran his fingers through your long H/C hair. He knew that it drove you mad. 3 days in and he already knew every weakness you have. Playing with your hair, massaging your shoulders, and gently touching you cheeks all did the job. When he played with your hair you both knew you were in the palm of his hand.
    "Hey love, would you do me a favor?" He asks. "Anything for you" you smiled. "Never, and I mean never doubt my love for you.". "Never in a million years.". You both smiled.
                 - One week later -
    Its been a week since you've seen Hancock. You have been so busy trying to deal with helping settlements you got caught up. No wonder people consider you "The Savior of the Commonwealth". You walk into Santuary and see him.
    "Y/N!?". "Hancock?!". You both run to each other and interlock into a long and warm hug. "Love! Where have you been? Oh i dont care, You're home!". He kisses you and picks you up. You have never been happier. What on earth did you do to deserve him?
    Suddenly you are on a bed. Hancock places himself above you and kisses you repeatedly. I want you to do everything you are doing.
    After that you hugged and kissed some more. Nothing sexual. Its way to cold and way to early for that. But you cuddle. He wraps himself around you. Holding you tightly. Never let go.
|Hey everyone! Hoped you liked this chapter. It had a bit of fluff. Next chapter should be up soon.|

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