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| Hey! This chapter is going to be kinda violent and gorey. Enjoy! |

    Here you are. Covered in blood. Bleeding from the mouth and all over. Was all the blood yours? Who knows. Some of it could be Hancock's.
    You had a fight. A terrible terrible fight. It ended up with a gun in your face and Preston having to pull Hancock away.
                  - 2 hours before hand-
"Oh yeah". Hancock takes a hit of jet as looks at you. "You need to stop. That could kill you." You said. "I think you need to fuck off." He retoiled.
"Excuse me?!"
"You heard me, bitch"
"What the fuck Hancock!"
"Aww piss off."
You slap him. He takes a minute to evaluate the situation. "You dont kniw when to fucking quit do you?" He stands up and puches you square in the face. How dare he. You try to get up but he gets on top of you and points his gun down. "Fucking Bitch! That all you got?" He says pressing the barrel to your temple.
    Fear takes over your body. Would he kill you? Preston walks by and sees  Hancock above you.
"Hancock stop!"
"Make me"
Preston slams his foot on the gun, crushing it as well as some of the bones in Hancock's hand. Hancock yells in pain and Preston pulls him off. With no hesitation you run.
You walk outside of Public Occurances to see Piper and Nat standong there. "You alright blue?". "Yeah in fine." Youre not fine. The man you love just put a gun to your head. Was it the chems? Or was that just him?
A familiar voice erupts from across the road. It was him. He turned around and saw you. He ran to you and hugged you.
"Love! Im so sorry. I was influenced by the chems! I would never treat you like that if i was sober. Please forgive me".
"My love i will forgive you if you promise me one thing."
"One more time and im not coming home. So promise me you wont do it again."
"Of course! Lets go home."
| Hope you enjoyed! ♡♡ |

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