Gem Tribe : Germania X Child!Reader

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God sweet Jesus, how long I leave this story for?
In the East of Belgica, there was a small tribe called Gemmis. Gaul and Germania are arguing about who will take care of her. Since she's young, she's always neutral. Germania and Gaul had a war with each other. The end result was Germania became her caretaker.

"Folkert! Folkert! Look! I dug up many gems!" You happily ran toward your caretaker with a basket full of gems that you dug up.

The man turned to you and smile softly. "Well done, (Y/N). Now, let's half it so we can share it equally."

Folkert always split the gems equally for you. He, originally more richer, let you follow him up because you were poor at the time. You were very thankful that he's your caretaker because if Catusia (Gaul) were meant to be your caretaker, she would only take your gems and being selfish.

Because of Germania, you got to met Arsenius, Rome. He love cute girls and he liked to talk about fighting and drinking. You don't like some of the drink he served for you because they were bitter.

"Folkert, is Arsenius always a cheerful person?" You looked at Arsenius while he was hunting for his food. You, Folkert and Roman drunker are hunting for food, in fact.

"Yes... And I think it's annoying." He also looked at the man crazily hunting the animals for supper.

You and the twos met a long river. This was where you find fishes. Fishes are your favourite, except their bones. Folkert and Arsenius stepped into the river before you, then you follow them. The water was colder than usual but not cold as winter's cold. You stabbed your spear into the fish and threw them onto the pile of fishes that you three collected.

Evening rose, you and Germania bid a bye to the Roman and head back to Germania's place. Before evening, there was a 'monster' trying to eat you. But you were saved by Folkert and Arsenius.

At Folkert's, you were still crying because you were terrified.

"(Y/N), the monster is gone now... Calm down..." Folkert tried to stop you from crying by patting your head. He eventually wipe your tears away. He hug you and give you a pat on the back.

After you calm down, you and Folkert started to eat the meat and fishes that you and him caught.

Overall, you grew up because him. You were so thankful. He was your hero... And I will be his precious tribe in the future!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2017 ⏰

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