"Do I know you"

5 1 1

2 weeks later

"Sarah!!!! Molly!!! You need to get up. You don't wanna be late on your first day of school," my mom yelled up the stairs. As if on cue my sister comes barging into my room.

"Yeah!!!!!!" She screams in excitement. "5th grade, finally. Are you ready for 9th grade Sarah."

"Yeah," I grumbled still getting out of bed. I had no idea how she was this happy but at least she was up.

15 minutes later I was dressed looking decent in a sweater crop top and skinny jeans. Walking out the door I call be to my mother and start on my way to school.

10 minutes later

After mindlessly walking around the school I finally found my locker.

"206. Got it," I said as I put all my stuff away. Deciding to go look for my bff Hanah I close my locker and turn around. But all I see is a boy across the hall staring at me. He looks so familiar but I can't put my finger on it. I walk away in search of my best friend with his image still blazing in my mind.

Time skip to final class

After dreading to long school day and getting to know all my teachers - my math class was the best though - I started zoning out on the teacher.

"Sarah," Mr. Johnson called out. He probably asked me a question that I didn't even know the answer to. Of course because I zoned out during class he gave me a detention telling me that I could do better. So after class I walked to the library. And when I walked on I stopped dead in my tracks.

He was there. He's been there ever since I saw him in the hall. He was there in all my classes and he was there standing on the wall staring at me. And now he's here. In detention with me. It was like he was trying to get something out of me.

I sat down at the farthest table knowing he was watching me. I opened my book and started to read. After half an hour the librarian let us go. I was first to go but I didn't really notice the rain until I was half way across the school yard. I stopped knowing that either way I was going to get soaked.

Then he was there behind me. Holding me like he was trying to stop the rain from drenching me. When I turned around I was facing his broad chest. Looking up I noticed that his eyes were the contrast of mine. Instead of being light colored they were darker colored and I was intrapped on them.

He leaned down like he was going to kiss me and I went up. But stopped when our foreheads where touching. When I realized what we were doing g I backed away embarrassed. But he didn't look embarrassed. Not one bit. Instead he reached inside his backpack and handed me his umbrella.

"Um, I can't take that. You'll get soaked walking home." But his only response was a chuckle as he walked towards me and put the umbrella in my hand. But when he walked away i felt like he was walking away from me again. So he turned around and smiled. And I felt happier somehow. I didn't know if he could hear me but I said thank you anyways. And when he turned around and winked at me I smiled and turned around to walk home.


When I got to mt house I walked straight up to my room. When I looked at the umbrella I saw his number on there but I did t see his name.

Weird I thought to myself. He would atleast put his name on it.

Taking the chance of him not responding I texted him.

Sarah45: hey

UnknownName: hey

Oh god I thought. Hey answered me.

Sarah45: um... wuts ur name anyways.

Sarah45: wait sorry that's a weird question

UnknownName: hehe. No that's not weird at all. The names Alex. Alex Carter.

Sarah45: oh. Nice name. Um... DO you want your umbrella back tomorrow

AlexC<3: no you can keep. I have 5 more at my house.

Sarah45: oh ok. I have to go. My parents are home. I'll see at school tomorrow I guess

AlexC<3: hehe yeah. I'll see you tomorrow .

I went down stairs to go "enjoy" the company of my parents.
I'm dedicating this story to the best half  of Team_Crazy_730. AnimalLover7749 made thus awesome cover and without her we wouldn't be able to have this account.
Thx so much best friend 😘😘

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