Remembering the old days

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When I woke up I didn't know where I was. Is was like a forest but more alive.

Everything was so vibrant. The colors were brighter, the sounds were loud, and I could see the exact piece of floor I was sitting on.

"WAIT WHAT!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I wasn't sitting I was floating. In some sort of mystical forest.

When I looked around I saw a girl running. She looked familiar but I just didn't know how. She stopped so suddenly I thought she was out of breath but boy was I wrong.

When she turned around I saw that her fingertips where glowing. A sort of soft blue color that got brighter by the second. When she stopped I thought I was blinded.

Now I was in a white room and the girl was there to but her back was to me.

"Who are you?" I asked with a sort of curiosity that made her turn around.

"Well I'm you silly, don't recognize me?" Her voice was sort and sweet like the ocean. Like mine.

"Wait your me."
"Of course. I'm Analia, heir to the Water kingdom. Hehe." She giggled.

"What an I doing here," I asked my voice laced with concern.

"Well I brought you here after you fainted. But don't worry. I'm guessing that everything you saw was me. And you. Now you know why your like this. And why the water was so comfortable, right."

"Well yeah but -"

"Good," She interupted. "Now go and talk to Alex. He's really worried ya'know." And with that I was in reality. But not in my room.

Where an I, I wondered. Suddenly I was tackled in a hug by Alex. But because he's taller and bigger than me, we both fell off the bed. Giggling I hugged him back.

"I'm so sor- " he started. But I interupted him by kissing him. It was a 'I'm sorry' kiss. When we pulled away he brought me close and wispered in my ear that he forgave me.

As I told him what happened when I was passed out he listened intently. It was calming for me. When I finished. Alex told me something I never expected.

Something that made me think about the world differently.

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