Getting to know you

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When I whent to school the next day I was actually paying attention.

The teachers on the other hand hated the second day of school. So they let us all do what ever during class. I was drawing most of the time but when I got to my last class I decided to check my phone.

AlexC<3: hey. Just wanted to talk to you since you're the only person that gave me there number.

Sarah45: hey. no problem. How come the teacher are acting like this anyways.

AlexC<3: maybe because someone bribed them into letting them let n us do that.

Sarah45: and exactly what would that "person" bribe them with.

AlexC<3: maybe they would do extra work for the different classes.

Sarah45: haha. your so weird. Since i dont know you well, tell me a little about yourself.

AlexC<3: sure. well you obviously know wut I look like. But I my parents never really loved me but they atleast tried to love me. I've only been in love once and I move around a lot.

Sarah45: wow

AlexC<3: well what about you. Tell me a little about you.

Sarah45: well as you said my parents don't love me but they never tried. My parents never showed me any pictures of me as child. Your know my physical appearance. And somehow I feel as if the ocean is my home.

AlexC<3: well were about to leave. Want me to walk you home

Sarah45: um.... well. I mean u don't even know where I live and I don't think my parents would want that.

AlexC<3: trust me. your parents won't mind

Sarah45:um... well. In that case sure

When the bell rang I walked out and stood by the wall. When he walked over he put his arm around me and we walked to my house. We didn't say a word the whole time but I didn't move his hand from around me. So when I didn't he pulled me closer to him and i smelled the salty ocean on his jacket. Not pulling away I leaned my head on his shoulder and he rubbed my arms.

When we reached my house my parents opened the door smiling at each other. But when they saw me their smiles detoured. My dad walked up to me and I  imeadeatly recognized his expression and the way his head started tp shake.

Not backing away i prepared for the hit. But when he slapped me it was different than before. It was with more hatred and anger than ever. I'm usually okay with him hitting me but this one hurt. I feel to the ground crying and holding my head because it was burning.

I felt Alex trying to comfort me but the more he did the more anger I felt towards him.

"STOP!" I yelled in his face. "You lied to me. And then this happened. Just go away." I knew that had hurt him but I was still in pain myself. So I got up not caring who was here and said

"Don't expect to see me ever again." And than I ran. To the one place no one would ever find me while I calmed down. The ocean.

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