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Keith's POV
I woke up and the first thing I noticed was the darkness. I look over and realize that the curtains were shut. I tried to get up but then something stopped me. What is that? I look down and blush. Oh my god Pidge fell asleep on me...why...wait.
I know why. It all came rushing back to me. I had brought her here. I had brought her here after after what I saw in the hallway. I still didn't know what happened. And why she was crying. But it pained me to see her in that state.
I move my arm a little and push her hair out of her face. She had dried up tear stains and her mouth was open a bit. Her breathing was a little ragged, but I think it's from all the crying. She did cry for awhile after we came in here. I moved my other hand and gently grabbed her hand. Her hand was warm and it was soft.
I laid there and enjoyed this for a few minutes until I heard a yawn. I looked back down and see her starting to wake up. She rubbed her eyes with her other hand and attempted to move her other one. But I held onto it. I didn't want to let go. Not just yet. She looks up at me slowly with her big amber eyes. She stares at me and slowly smiles. She puts her head back down and squeezes my hand back.
My heart started beating quickly when she did that. Agh Pidge what are you doing to me? Why do you make me feel this way? I haven't felt like this since I was with Lance. In the beginning before he...before he left me for Nyma. And Pidge...Pidge helped me after that, to cope with my sadness, my depression, my anger. She stayed through all of it. She even prevented me from leaving this world entirely. I think that's one of the reasons why I...why I fell in love with her. Even if she pretended to be a boy for sometime..I still loved her.
I spaced out way too much and looked back down. She was drawing invisible designs on my chest with her finger. She hummed softly and I recognized the song. It was one of her favorite songs that plays while she's working on her tech. I hum with her and she smiles. We both finish the song and she looks up at me.
She shifts around so she's laying on her stomach on top of me. I gulp and turn a bright shade of red. She leans forward slowly and I slowly close my eyes. We both lean and I felt her breath on my lip. We were about to kiss when Allura barged in through the door.

No ones POV
"You little whore!! You stole my mans heart and now you're trying to get with him?? How dare you??"Allura yells.
Keith was startled and fell off the couch with Pidge. He hugged her to his chest and took the hit. He slammed his head into the coffee table and Pidge screamed. She got up hurriedly and cradled Keith's head on her lap. She started crying again, which was surprising because she thought she was out of tears.
"Keith?? Keith answer me!! Please?? Please answer me please say your ok...."Pidge whispers. She looked up at the horror struck Allura and got up; resting Keith's head on a pillow. She stomped to Allura and look at her dead in the eye.
"What the heck is wrong with you?? I didn't steal your man Allura!! He never liked me!! He only liked you! I'm a child. He's an adult. Your an adult. Adults go with adults. Children go with children. I have Keith and you can have Shiro. I did have a crush on him but you know what I can't have him! But I think I love Keith more now because my feelings were destroyed after seeing you two at the doorway. So leave me alone. I'm with Keith so I won't be whoring it up or anything."Pidge said.
She turned around and went back to Keith. She laid down and placed her head on his chest and quietly cried.

~~~~meanwhile in the hallway. A certain person is listening to Pidge. Aka Shiro~~~~~~~~~~~

Shiro POV

What I heard was terrifying. But what Pidge said just made me really sad. I never knew she felt the same way. And I lost my chance with her completely. She's with Keith.

'I love him more now that you two had destroyed my feelings.....'

It made me go into shock. I stood in the hall hugging onto the one thing Pidge left. She left her phone in my room on the side table I had.
I held it too my chest and shook my head. There's no hope in getting near her. She wouldn't want to be around me. After everything this morning. And what sucks even more was that I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend. Now I can't.
Keith beat me to it. And Pidge has had feelings for him. I can't believe Allura did this. Broke us apart. Made us turn against each other. She hurt Keith. She hurt me. I hurt her. She hurt Pidge. Now no one is going to want to be with anyone.

Stupid Allura.

I never say anything mean or call her names but she's a nuisance. She ruined everything.
I turned back around and went into my room. I put Pidge's phone on my nightstand and went into the bathroom. I turned on the water and stood there with it running down my scarred back and started crying softly.

She's gone.

And probably forever too.

Hey guys A here 👋🏻,
So I know this chapter is really sad...but don't worry things will pick up in the next chapter. And sorry for the really slow update I got really busy with graduation(yes I graduated high school cheeesssss) but now my chapters will be coming in a batch of two each week unless otherwise stated. I get really busy during the day so yeah. Tell me what you guys think about this chapter.


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