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Keith looked away from me and sighs. See, I knew he wasn't over him..I knew it the minute he asked me out. Don't get me wrong I do have feelings..I love Keith..but I care more about his happiness than my own.

I gently take his wrist and look at the bracelet.

" need to work on how you'll get him back...I do love you and all...but honestly I can see your heart  belongs to Lance. I mean he doesn't ever talk about Nyma that much either, he always brings up the stupid things you guys did back then. Did you ever notice that?"I softly speak.

He looks up at me curiously and then a shadow of denial and sadness comes over his eyes again. 

"I do see it, i'm tying to forget it all I try to push him away so that way he won't bring it up anymore. I hate seeing him with Nyma, it hurts even more than the breakup than those damn words he said....." he cries out. The tears start falling and I let go of his wrist and hug him from across the table.

Then let's get him back Keith...bring you both the happiness you guys are destined for..we all noticed it in the house, even Hunk is worried for you too. And that's Hunk for ya. Besides maybe in the end I'll find my prince charming. I mean obviously Shiro was way too old for me and he has the feels for Allura." I slowly stop speaking and look down at my now-cold coffee.

Damn......Shiro wasn't interested in me at all....that just sucks....He was the only man I loved..even through our childhood and my dad..he loved Shiro like a son. He always imagined Shiro and I getting married.having kids, getting old, all that grandparent stuff parents pan before your'e even 16.

I push away my coffee and reach for my phone."Hey,...where's my phone....Keith?"

 He looks up at me and shrugs."I thought you left it here to charge."he questioned.

"But I didn't I swear I brought it with me..wait no I didn't..I didn' amd its somewhere I do not want to be in right now....great....just great.."I say.

The stupid phone was in Shiro's room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2018 ⏰

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