Bad Beginning.

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It was like any normal day. You just came back from work, and unlocked the door to your apartment. You played some video games, searched up some fan fictions. Pretty boring, normal day. That was until, It, happened.

You heard someone screaming and gunshots. Upon hearing it you rushed to your feet and started for the doorway. You stopped when the lights went out. You quickly realised that everything was off, including your computer. 'Crap! There goes my save." Just after thinking it you feel dumb and focus on the issue at hand.

The screaming you had heard was now just muffled wimpering and weeping. You crept slowly towards the front door, and tried to make as little noise as possible. You could hear someone talking, you weren't able to make out words but you could tell it was annoyed. You had stopped at the door, and listened closely.

"What do you mean the target has moved?!" You heard a low growl and no response. The voice continued "Why didn't you check they were still on property?". The voice then just growled in annoyance. You heard footsteps stomping away and slowly turned the door handle. You weren't one for bravery but you couldn't just hide and not do anything. You opened the door a little to create a peeking slit, a loud but quick creak ensued. You heard a grunt from down the hallway and then some loud footsteps running towards you.

You froze, unable to do anything. A large masked and cloaked man came into view. A loud thudding had come into your ears that you had realised was your heart beat. He noticed your door slightly ajar almost instantly. Seeing his mask face look at you almost dead on finally got your muscles into gear and you tried to turn and run or hide or anything. But in your panic you just turned and fell nearly face planting if you hadn't landed on your elbows. You flipped over and saw the shadowy man had already opened the door and was standing over you.

He lifted his hand to his ear and in his gravelly voice hissed out "Target acquired.". A very faint squeak could be heard from the communicator in his ear. He then raised the shotgun in his right hand and brought it down onto your head, knocked you out instantly.

You shook your head, that's all in the past, just focus on now. You woke up only a few minutes ago and needed to quickly catch yourself up. You were alone in a weird cell like place, with only one exit. And from behind the door you could hear muffled voices. You got up from where you had been sitting on the floor and tip toed closer to it. The voices behind the door began shouting and yelling, making you pause temporarily.

You hear one final "Fine, you deal with thelittle shit!" from the same gruff voice and a loud slam from a door. A minutethat felt like a million past, then the handle to the door turned.    

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