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Gently pushing yourself up from the bed, you lifted a hand to rub the sleep from your eyes. You swung your legs off the bed and sat there, looking around. The room was dark but your eyes quickly grew accustom to it. On the other side of the room, was Sombra, lying asleep in her bed. Her back to you, you heard a slight mumbled sleep groan, causing you smile to yourself.

You walked over to the large-ish window, and leaned against the window frame. You looked out, not at the tall heavily guarded walls, but rather at the fields rolling out forever and beyond. This was the first time since you got kidnapped, you actually got to see out the base. It was quite beautiful as it was lit by the crescent moon. Although the base and the people in it seemed mean and horrible, they didn't half pick a beautiful spot.

Peering out at the dark sky, you guessed it was about 4AM. You didn't feel tired so decided to head out to look around the base. Turning around, you took a step forward just to trip over a bag you had not seen previously. You pushed yourself to hands and knees, and took a quick breath, staring at the floor. Tucking your legs in to kneel, you turned your head to check if Sombra was still asleep.

"Y-you okay?" Sombra sounded tired as she propped herself up to her elbows, looking down on you. Her beautiful purple eyes, staring into your own (Eye colour) orbs. "Uhh. Yeah, yeah. I just tripped." You answered quickly "Sorry if I woke you." You stood up and gently lowered your head to look at your hands.

"Well, I'm up now, amor." She smiled, bringing her legs round off the bed to sit up "You know what time it is?" You shook your head "No clock." "Alright, come on, let's get breakfast... or a midnight snack... whichever is closer." She hopped off her bed and headed to the door. You stepped forward, being careful not to trip again. She grabbed the door handle opened it, giving an over exaggerated gesture for you to go through, complete with a bow. You smiled slightly and thanked her, stepping into the corridor.

She took you out of the hall of private rooms, took a left and you found yourself in a large cafeteria. Even this early in the morning there was still soldiers around tables. Three tired looking men, with coffee in hand, were on a bench in the middle of the room. On the back left table was an unconscious lady, complete with a half empty beer in hand. You and Sombra walked to a door at the back of the room labelled 'Kitchen'.

The kitchen wasn't nearly as big as the eating area, but still had everything necessary for a good breakfast. After having (Breakfast), which was surprisingly nice considering your current predicament, the large clock in the cafeteria showed it was only 5AM. "So then." Sombra grinned at you "Tell me about yourself, amor." "There isn't really much to say." "Of course there is, tell anything."

You looked up at her eyes, and cleared your throat "Okay, well..." You trailed off... her eyes looked so, expectant... You felt the pressure build up

She won't like you.

You felt very nervous, letting some bad thoughts into your head.

She won't like you, you're so boring. Lie and make something up.

You could feel the beads of sweat forming on your face.

Say something! Anything! C'mon (Your name)

You looked down at your heads and twiddled your thumbs.

Say something! You're way too quiet... She's waiting...

You felt extremely nervous now. You'd rather be anywhere but here.

C'mon! At least don't so worked up! You're making a mountain out of a mole hill!

You snapped out of your thoughts when you felt a hand on your cheek. "Are you okay?" Sombra said, sounding worried. You smiled with a weak "Yeah." She gave you this look that said 'I don't believe you'. You cleared your throat and said "I-I'm fine, just... started day dreaming?" She sat back in her seat "Okay, I'll believe you for now. But only because you're cute." She smirked. You felt your face go red... Cute! She thinks your cute!

A/N Translations (According to google translate) amor: love

Okay... I kinda maybe made the character a little insecure there... okay very insecure. But only because I'm basing the reader off of me a bit. And I get very anxious when met with confrontation. So... yeah, whoops. Bye then, have a great day.

Talon's Newest Recruit. Sombra X Shy ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now