Your New Home.

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You stepped out of the "Training room", it was more like a training lab but whatever. You felt like a new person, you'd learned how to fire and reload guns, how to strategise, even some basic gymnastics. Although that experience also changed you a lot as a person, you see the world in a whole new light. The world is a cruel place, you were bottom of the pile, a pawn in a world-wide game of chess. Nobody is to be trusted, messing up is not an option and above all else... You mean nothing.

Anyway, you were told a high ranked officer was coming to take you to meet your new mentor. You leaned against the wall, next to the doorway. You felt a little uncomfortable, just standing there waiting as all these soldiers were running around, getting stuff done. As you waited a rushing man bumped into you. "Stay out of my way, you little piece of sh-" He got cut off when he ran into a rather tall man. Bold head, very muscular and had a lot of scars. "S-sorry captain." The man who ran into you just slowly walked past the captain and kept going.

The captain walked towards you "(Your name)?". You nodded slightly, feeling rather nervous. "Follow me." He turned and walked bad the way he came. Keeping your distance, you followed slowly. He took a left, then a right, another left, until he stopped outside a door signed. 'Personal Quarters" underneath written out in purple crayon, "Sombra" followed by a winky face and a love heart. The captain knocked loudly on the door, "Miss Sombra, I have brought the recruit you're mentoring.".

"Just send them in, then your dismissed captain." A heavily accented Mexican voice could be heard. It was quite beautiful, you couldn't help but smile, but you hid it the best you could. The captain turned around and left, but you didn't pay much attention to him. You reached out and opened the door, gulping slightly before pushing the door open.

"Hola, nuevo amiga/amigod, welcome to my room." There was a girl sitting very relaxed in a swivel chair, scanning some purple holograms. She swiped them away with a hand as she got up and smirked at you. Your first thought was She's beautiful. Quickly followed by Fuck, do I have a crush. You shook your head slightly Of course I don't. A person can admire someone else's beauty without having a crush.

"Hey, soñador , aren't you even going to say hi?" snapping you out of your thoughts you smiled and said, "Yeah, h-hi... sorry.". You bit your lip nervously, your head automatically tilting down to look at the floor. "What's your name then, Amor?" she grinned, placing a hand on her hip. "(Your name), (Y-Your name) (Your l-last name)." You swallowed hard. "A-and you are?" "Sombra, the best hacker you'll ever meet." She said with grin. "I guess we'll be living together for a while. You seem nice so I won't go complaining to the higher ups." She smirked.

Wait what! Living together? Why was I not told this! AAH FUCK! You internally screamed, she didn't seem to notice so you must have masked it pretty well. "Well, make yourself at home Amor, I'm off." She said as she walked out the door, she patted you on your shoulder as she passed, making you tense up. Once she'd gone, you breathed a sigh of relief, and took a moment to look around the room.

Not terrible... considering. There was two beds on either side of the room, the right one with just a mattress, the other had a blanket and a pillow a mess on the bed. On the left side of the room also had Sombra's swivel chair, a desk, a few papers and a lamp, nothing too special. The right side, supposedly your side, only had a desk and a bed as mention before. You walked over to your bed, flopped down on it sighed. Suddenly realising you were exhausted, you decided to take a quick nap.

A/N first translations! (All according to google translate) Hola, nuevo amigo/amiga: Hello new friend
soñador: daydreamer
amor: love

Okay... I realised how angsty this book is, whoops, hopefully it's getting a bit fluffier? Maybe? Heh well that's what you get for reading a fanfic! Anyway, please give feedback, because I feel like this book is total crap and I want someone to verify that. Thanks adios! (Bye in Spanish you idiots!)

Talon's Newest Recruit. Sombra X Shy ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now