Chapter 2: Who the heck are these guys!?!?!

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, I felt something warm and found out that I was on a bed. It was so fluffy, and soft and-- NO PAY ATTENTION-- Where the hell am I?!?! I tried to sit up and observe my surroundings,then I felt a warm tug on my hand.

"Ah I see that you're awake." There was a man with black hair with the ends of his hair white, like the the color of ashes, his eyes were the same, he wore regal clothing that was decorated with nothing but black and white with a little bit of gold, the area of where he was, was terrifying and cautious.

"Uhhhh...hi." I gave him a simple hello tried to withdraw my hand from the man seeing that I still had common sense. "Where an I!?! Who are you!?!"

The man widened his eyes, then he narrowed them, he grabbed my hand and tried to kiss it, I quickly backed up from him as possible and looked at him with fear and anger, "OKAY LOOK DUDE I HAVE NO IDEA WHO YOU ARE BUT YOU NO RIGHT TO KISS MY HAND LIKE THAT, I KNOW IT'S A KIND OF GESTURE BUT STILL." I looked at him with conflict and still anger.

While I looked at him like that he, looked at me with confusion, interest, and conflict too. "Who are you, you're not Katherine Meav."

"Katherine-- what now..." I looked at him and said the persons name. "Nope, don't know who that is..."

"...." The man looked at me with his ashen eyes and then closed them seeking I looked away from him. "Then who are you?"

"...I....don't know..." I looked down and then the door was kicked open, another man with cat ears and a tail came, he had violet eyes and brown chestnut hair, with purple clothing that kinda suits him. But his eyes at me, were pure hatred, I looked at him confusingly and stood in silence. He then tried to take a good look at me then said that for me to keep away from him and Owen.

"Owen???..." I looked at the man with the cat ears, and shook my head seeing that I couldn't remember anything and thought maybe this was normal, people having animal ears on their heads. "I'm sorry..."

*Gasped* The two sounded like something got caught in their throats, the guy with the cat ears looked at me with disbelief and started to gap with his mouth.

"Okay~~ look its been fun talking to you but I really need to go go and--" I winced in pain and crouched down, blood was flowing through my chest, the one called "Owen" quickly came to me and slightly put his hand above my wound and light came. I winded my eyes at the sight of it and when the light show was over, my wound was still there but not bleeding anymore. Seeing that I was freaking terrified by this new experience, I backed up and tried to to grapes everything that's as going on here. "HOW!!! WHAT!!! WHEN!! HUH!!! OW my brain hurts."

"Owen" looked at me then creased his eyes, he quietly went out and left me here,the man with the chestnut hair went with him too. I took this chance and tried too find a way out, I looked at the window but I didn't want TO hurt myself than I already did, plus there was no river for me to break my landing. The other way was the door, I left the room and started walking in the halls, I asked some of the servants here to where the exit was, they told me, easy as that, but they had fear in their eyes and and shock. I quietly went out the castle and saw the gates, and walked around to look at the scenery around me, chess prices and trees of different shape and sizes,also colors. I was getting near the gates and as soon as I was like 12 feet way from it, I started running, I said or my expression was like, "FREEDOM!?!?!", with my fist pumped into the air. But no-- a certain someone grabbed me by my waist and and pulled back, just when I was like 4 feet away from the gate.

"And where do you think you're going?" I looked to the side and saw "Owen" there looking at me with amazement and amusing face, while I just looked at him with shock and still anger with a hint of embarrassment, cause like, it's not everyday you get to see a hot guy embraces you.

"OH COME ON!!! THE GATE IS SO CLOSE BUT YET IT'S SO FAR!!! LET ME GO!!!" I tried to get out of his arms, he still looked at me with the same expression but yet this time with shock. Minutes later, I still tried to get out of his embrace as hard as I can, seconds later, "I'm not getting out of this am I." I looked at "Owen" while saying this and losses my grip on him to show him I gave up.

"....." He just calmly smiled at me while closing his eyes, he then took out a chess price, he chanted something and a bright light formed around us, just when the light dimmed down he let go of me from his embrace, I ran the the other side of the room and glared at him. "....."

*Snickers* then I saw the man with cat ears of the other, other side of the room, he went to "Owen"'s side and looked at me, " Who is she, she's not Katherine, Katherine wouldn't get out of your embrace Owen, since you're the king."

"......." I looked at them in silence and scoffed. "If you're done talking can I go, please?..."

They both looked at me and "Owen" said, "Sorry, I forgot too introduce myself, my name is Owen Chester, King of Chess, ruler of the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Sorrow. I'm sorry but I cannot let you go--"

Otome Game?..... (MOVED ON TO ANOTHER BOOK. A REWRITE)CALLED "Full Of Wonder(?)Where stories live. Discover now