Chasing After You

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Marley hated the hallways of McKinley. They were full of bullies, bullies who found it fit to throw slushies at students they deem a 'loser'.

And she just happened to be one of them.

Marley had finally gotten out of Algebra 2, a class she despised, only to be met with the frozen head ache in a cup. She stood in her spot for a few seconds, trying to comprehend what had just happened moments ago. Once the initial shock was over she brought her hands to her eyes and wiped off the merciless corn syrup, willing herself not to cry.

She wouldn't waste her tears on the idiot jocks.

Before she could run to an empty bathroom she felt more of the sticky substance on the top of her head, this time she looked at the culprit and it was none other than Kitty. The one cheerleader that was after her head, for seemingly no reason; the absolutely stunning one with an ice cold heart.

Marley looked directly into Kitty's eyes, trying to find something that resembled human emotion, but what she came across was a complete shock.


There was love in Kitty's eyes, why? Was she in love? Why does it hurt?
Hundreds of questions started to run through Marley's mind, the main one being, why does it hurt?

In less than a second Marley was running, running as fast as she could until she reached an abandoned bathroom, skipping the sinks as she just slid to the floor, tears clouding her vision.

Her head snapped up as she heard the door open, but what shocked her was who was on the other side of the room.

"Kitty?" She asked, honestly not believing her own eyes, how- no why, would the most popular girl in school be here?
"Get off the ground, Rose, it's filthy down there." The cheerleader said in a soft tone, a tone that Marley didn't know she had.

"No." The brunette said quietly, hiding her face between her hands, not wanting to look at the perfection that was infront of her.

"Marley.." Kitty trailed off as she walked closer to the sitting girl, the blonde girl kneeled down and said quietly, "Look at me, Marley."

Marley hesitantly looked up at Kitty, unsure of what to do until she felt a pair of soft, luscious lips on her own.

The brunette was frozen, she wasn't sure if this was a dream or a prank, not wanting it to be the latter she pushed Kitty away and ran out of the bathroom, forcing herself not to look back, and to ignore the tingling sensation her lips were currently feeling at the moment.

"It's a prank." She muttered quietly to herself, alone in her small room. She hated how she was feeling, she felt like a coward, wimp, fool, and worst of all, worthless.

She fell asleep that night in tears.

When Marley woke up she could feel the oncoming headache forming, praying it wouldn't be too painful, she forced herself into an outfit, and made sure she had a few spare ones in her backpack, almost positive that she would be drenched in slushie within the first few minutes of the day.

Something was off, though, the moment she got to school, nothing happened, no jocks, no slushies', nothing. Letting out a sigh of relief, Marley went to her locker, once she took out her history book, she noticed a note sticking out of one of her books.

Marley picked it up, and read it

'Don't think I'm giving up that easily.'

Instantly Marley felt her cheeks turn red, this had to be a joke, she just knew it.

Once she turned around to go to class she saw Kitty staring at her, subtly giving her a smile, Marley blushed and turned away instantly walking towards glee club, hoping to get the blonde beauty of out her mind.

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